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USB malware immunity script and hidden files revealer.

Does not remove malware. Must be used in conjunction with an anti-virus program.



What it does (Features)

  • Detects and removes AutoRun commands for your Command Processor (cmd.exe).
  • Disables AutoRun entirely, for both CD-ROM drives, and USB flash drives. The IniFileMapping method. Most secure.
  • Cleans MountPoints2 registry key, which is the AutoRun cache used by OS, for all users.
  • Disables "Hide extensions for known file types", for security reasons.
  • Show extensions for PIF files, also for security reasons.
  • Restores shortcut arrow icons, that may be removed due to malware's infection (registry hack).

Travels through the root directories of all drives (including USB drives and SD/MMC cards), and:

  • deletes all shortcuts, file symbolic links, and (malicious) executable files that mimic regular folders;
  • un-hide all files that have been made hidden by malware;
  • deletes autorun.inf file, and creates a folder with the same name to prevent further infections. This is the same technique used by most USB protectors on the Web.

All actions may be skipped and not done by user request.

What it does NOT do (Limitations)

  • It does NOT kill or remove the malware. This is anti-virus program's job.
  • It does NOT make an already-infected system clean. This scripts is useful on non-infected system, to enhance security and prevent new infections.
  • It does NOT sit in the system tray or monitor every insertion/removal of USB drives or SD/MMC cards. On an ideal secure system, this is not needed, as the AutoRun is disabled and nothing will be run automatically. (Think of Mac OS X and Linux.)

How to use

Requires Windows 2000 or later. Tested to work with Windows 2000 through Windows 10.

  1. Download and unpack to get the script file (usb_vaccine.cmd).

  2. Unplug all of your USB flash drives, so that if your USB flash drives are infected they won't interfere with your computer.

  3. Right-click on "usb_vaccine.cmd" file and select "Run as administrator".

    Context menu, with option "Run as administrator" highlighted

  4. Follow the instructions on screen.

You may try usb_vaccine.cmd --help on the command line for additional options you can use.

Comparison to Panda USB Vaccine

Panda Security has released a freeware utility named Panda USB Vaccine, which unfortunately collides with our 'usb_vaccine.cmd'. However our project is nothing related to theirs (the name collision is merely coincidence), even though both projects have similar functionality (vaccinating computers from USB malware). The author develops this 'usb_vaccine.cmd' script independently.

Here is some feature comparison between 'usb_vaccine.cmd' and Panda USB Vaccine:

  • Same: Both seek to disable the AutoRun using the IniFileMapping method.
  • Same: Both may "vaccinate" USB drives by removing the malicious autorun.inf files and creating a placeholder of that file name. However implementations (the way it's done) are different.
  • Panda USB Vaccine doesn't yet support 64-bit. Using Panda's on a 64-bit OS will only "vaccinate" the WoW64 layer of the system. 'usb_vaccine.cmd' works with 64-bit natively (because it's only a batch script), and since version 3, will tell the user if the script is run on the WoW64 layer, preventing access of the 64-bit registry.
  • Panda USB Vaccine "vaccinates" USB drives by tampering with the file systems. For FAT volumes, it creates a 16-byte placeholder "autorun.inf" file with attributes "HX" (while "X" = the reserved Device attribute bit). This technically makes the file system invalid and unportable across OSes. (For example, the Linux 'vfat' driver will try to "fix" the error, effecively undoing the "vaccination".) 'usb_vaccine.cmd' does this by only creating placeholder directories, which always keeps the file systems valid.
  • Panda USB Vaccine can be configured to stay in the background ("/resident" mode) and "vaccinates" USB drives that are newly inserted. 'usb_vaccine.cmd' doesn't have this feature and requires user to run the script every time a USB drive is plugged in.
  • 'usb_vaccine.cmd' does more than what Panda USB Vaccine offers to do in securing the computers and USB drives. For example, 'usb_vaccine.cmd' detects and prompts to fix various configuration mistakes in file associations or Folder Options. It also have the features to unhide files and folders and delete shortcuts, which is similar to Unhide utilities and guides around the Internet.
  • Panda USB Vaccine is freeware while 'usb_vaccine.cmd' is free and open source. :)

Copyright and license

Written by Kang-Che Sung.

Licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later. This is free (libre) and open source software.

This scripts comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.



USB 病毒免疫暨隱藏檔現形程式





  • 偵測並移除命令處裡程式(cmd.exe)的 AutoRun 命令。
  • 關閉所有的 AutoRun,CD-ROM 與 USB 隨身碟都關閉。使用最安全的 IniFileMapping 方法
  • 為所有使用者 清理 MountPoints2 登錄機碼 ,MountPoints2 為作業系統的 AutoRun 快取。
  • 取消「隱藏已知檔案類型的副檔名」,為了安全性。
  • 顯示 PIF 檔案的附檔名,也是為了安全性。
  • 復原可能被病毒攻擊(修改登錄)所移除的捷徑箭頭圖示。

針對每一個磁碟機(包括 USB 碟與記憶卡)的根目錄做以下事情:

  • 刪除所有捷徑、檔案符號連結(symbolic links)以及偽裝成一般資料夾的(惡意)執行 檔;
  • 解除所有被病毒隱藏的檔案;
  • 刪除 autorun.inf 檔案,並建立相同名稱的資料夾,以防止再次被感染。這與網路上各 大 USB 防毒程式用的是同樣的技巧。



  • 它不會中止病毒程序,不會殺死或移除病毒。這些是防毒軟體的工作。
  • 它不能把被感染的系統變乾淨。這個腳本程式適合用在 未感染 的系統上,加強安 全性,並阻止新的感染。
  • 它不會掛在系統工作列上或是監控所有 USB 碟或記憶卡的插拔動作。在一個理想安全 的系統下,這些完全沒必要,因為當 AutoRun 關閉後沒有一個程式會被自動執行。 (Mac OS X 與 Linux 皆如此。)


需要 Windows 2000 以上。從 Windows 2000 到 Windows 10 都有測試過可以使用。

  1. 下載並解壓縮 取出腳本檔(usb_vaccine_zh-TW.cmd)

  2. 拔除所有的 USB 隨身碟。這樣如果 USB 隨身碟受到感染,您的電腦就不會受隨身碟 的影響。

  3. 在 usb_vaccine_zh-TW.cmd 檔案上按滑鼠右鍵,選取「以系統管理員身分執行」。


  4. 照著螢幕上的指示操作。

您可以在命令列上輸入 usb_vaccine.cmd --help 來查看更多可用的選項。


作者:宋岡哲(Kang-Che Sung)

採用 GNU 較寬鬆公共授權條款(LGPL)v2.1 版(或任何更新版)授權。這是自由且開放 原始碼軟體。



(Moved to USB malware immunity script and hidden files revealer.







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