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Document Scanning-Capture SDK ANDROID v3

QuickCapture Mobile Scanning SDK Specially designed for native ANDROID from Extrieve.

It's not "just" a scanning SDK. It's a "document" scanning/capture SDK evolved with Best Quality, Highest Possible Compression, Image Optimisation, of output document in mind.

Control DPI,Layout & Size of output images, PDF & TIFF

Developer-friendly & Easy to integration SDK.

Choose the right version that suits your need :

  • QuickCapture v2: Optimized capture functionality, designed to be as compact as possible [~ 2 MB].
  • QuickCapture v3: Comprehensive & advanced AI functionalities, comparatively bit larger size [~ 20 MB].

End of support Notice : QuickCapture SDK Android V1 deprecated by Dec. 2022.For any further updates and support, can use V2 which having no major modifications.But with improved funcionalities,feature additions and fixes.

Refer here for V2 documentation and samples

Other available platform options


You can use this SDK in any android project's simply by using Gradle :

//Add expack central repo in settings.gradle
repositories {
  maven {url ''}

//Then add implementation for SDK in dependencies in build.gradle (module:<yourmodulename>)
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.extrieve.quickcapture:QCv3:3.1.23'

Or Maven:


Or even you can download the .aar library file from GitHub's releases page and add the file dependency manually in to the project/app.


  • JAVA 8 Support: QuickCapture v3 requires JAVA version 8 support for the application.
  • Minimum Android SDK: QuickCapture v3 requires a minimum API level of 21.
  • Compiled SDK Version: QuickCapture v3 compiled against API 34.

API and integration Details - Available properties and method

SDK have two core classes and supporting classes :

  1. CameraHelper - Handle the camera related operations. Basically, an activity.
  2. ImgHelper - Purpose of this class is to handle all imaging related operations.
  3. Config - Holds various configurations SDK.
  4. ImgException - Handle all exceptions on image related operations on ImgHelper.

Based on the requirement, any one or all classes can be used.And need to import those from the SDK.

    import com.extrieve.quickcapture.sdk.*;
    //OR : can import only required classes as per use cases.
    import  com.extrieve.quickcapture.sdk.ImgHelper;  
    import  com.extrieve.quickcapture.sdk.CameraHelper;
    import  com.extrieve.quickcapture.sdk.Config;  
    import  com.extrieve.quickcapture.sdk.ImgException;


This core class will be implemented as an activity.This class can be initialized as intent.

CameraHelper CameraHelper = new CameraHelper();
var cameraHelper: CameraHelper? = CameraHelper()

With an activity call, triggering SDK for capture activity can be done.Most operations in CameraHelper is activity based.

SDK having multiple flows as follows :

  • CAMERA_CAPTURE_REVIEW - Default flow. Capture with SDK Camera -> review.
  • SYSTEM_CAMERA_CAPTURE_REVIEW - Capture with system default camera -> review.
  • IMAGE_ATTACH_REVIEW - Attach/pass image -> review.

1. CAMERA_CAPTURE_REVIEW - Default flow of the CameraHelper.Includes Capture with SDK Camera -> Review Image.


Config.CaptureSupport.CaptureMode = Config.CaptureSupport.CaptureModes.CAMERA_CAPTURE_REVIEW;
//set permission for output path that set in config.
UriphotoURI = Uri.parse(Config.CaptureSupport.OutputPath);
this.grantUriPermission(this.getPackageName(),photoURI,Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION | Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION);  

//Create CameraIntent for CameraHelper activity call.
Intent CameraIntent = new Intent(this,Class.forName("com.extrieve.quickcapture.sdk.CameraHelper"));
//Call the Activity.

//On activity result,recieve the captured, reviewed, cropped, optimised & compressed image colletion as array.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data)  
	super.onActivityResult(requestCode,  resultCode,  data);
	if  (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_FILE_RETURN && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK)
		Boolean Status = (Boolean)data.getExtras().get("STATUS");
		String Description = (String)data.getExtras().get("DESCRIPTION");  
		if(Status == false){ 
			//Failed  to  capture
		finishActivity(REQUEST_CODE_FILE_RETURN); return;
	FileCollection = (ArrayList<String>)data.getExtras().get("fileCollection");
	//FileCollection //: will contains all capture images path as string
try {
    /*DEV_HELP :redirecting to camera*/
    val captureIntent = Intent(this, Class.forName("com.extrieve.quickcapture.sdk.CameraHelper"))
    val photoURI = Uri.parse(Config.CaptureSupport.OutputPath)
	this.packageName, photoURI,
} catch (ex: Exception) {
    /*DEV_HELP : TODO : handle invalid Exception*/
    Toast.makeText(this, "Failed to open camera  -" + ex.message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

2. SYSTEM_CAMERA_CAPTURE_REVIEW - If user need to capture image with system default camera, this can be used.Includes Capture with system default camera -> Review.


Config.CaptureSupport.CaptureMode = Config.CaptureSupport.CaptureModes.SYSTEM_CAMERA_CAPTURE_REVIEW;
//set permission for output path that set in config.
UriphotoURI = Uri.parse(Config.CaptureSupport.OutputPath);
this.grantUriPermission(this.getPackageName(),photoURI,Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION | Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION);  

//Create CameraIntent for CameraHelper activity call.
Intent CameraIntent = new Intent(this,Class.forName("com.extrieve.quickcapture.sdk.CameraHelper"));
//Call the Activity.

//On activity result,recieve the captured, reviewed, cropped, optimised & compressed image colletion as array.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data)  
	super.onActivityResult(requestCode,  resultCode,  data);
	if  (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_FILE_RETURN && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK)
		Boolean Status = (Boolean)data.getExtras().get("STATUS");
		String Description = (String)data.getExtras().get("DESCRIPTION");  
		if(Status == false){ 
			//Failed  to  capture
		finishActivity(REQUEST_CODE_FILE_RETURN); return;
	FileCollection = (ArrayList<String>)data.getExtras().get("fileCollection");
	//FileCollection //: will contains all capture images path as string
try {
    /*DEV_HELP :redirecting to camera*/
    val captureIntent = Intent(this, Class.forName("com.extrieve.quickcapture.sdk.CameraHelper"))
    val photoURI = Uri.parse(Config.CaptureSupport.OutputPath)
	this.packageName, photoURI,
} catch (ex: Exception) {
    /*DEV_HELP : TODO : handle invalid Exception*/
    Toast.makeText(this, "Failed to open camera  -" + ex.message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

3. IMAGE_ATTACH_REVIEW - If user need to review an image from device / gallery - this option can be used.After attach each image,review and all functionalities depends on review can be avail.


//Set CaptureMode as IMAGE_ATTACH_REVIEW
Config.CaptureSupport.CaptureMode = Config.CaptureSupport.CaptureModes.IMAGE_ATTACH_REVIEW;
//Create/Convert/ get Image URI from image source.
Uri ImgUri = data.getData();
//Create ReviewIntent for CameraHelper activity call.
Intent ReviewIntent = new Intent(this,Class.forName("com.extrieve.quickcapture.sdk.CameraHelper"));
//Add the image URI to intent request with a key : ATTACHED_IMAGE.
ReviewIntent.putExtra("ATTACHED_IMAGE", ImUri);
//Call the Activity.

//On activity result,recieve the captured, reviewed, cropped, optimised & compressed image colletion as array.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data)  
	super.onActivityResult(requestCode,  resultCode,  data);
	if  (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_FILE_RETURN && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK)
		Boolean Status = (Boolean)data.getExtras().get("STATUS");
		String Description = (String)data.getExtras().get("DESCRIPTION");  
		if(Status == false){ 
			//Failed  to  capture
		finishActivity(REQUEST_CODE_FILE_RETURN); return;
	FileCollection = (ArrayList<String>)data.getExtras().get("fileCollection");
	//FileCollection //: will contains all capture images path as string

try {
    /*DEV_HELP :redirecting to camera*/
    val captureIntent = Intent(this, Class.forName("com.extrieve.quickcapture.sdk.CameraHelper"))
    val photoURI = Uri.parse(Config.CaptureSupport.OutputPath)
	this.packageName, photoURI,
} catch (ex: Exception) {
    /*DEV_HELP : TODO : handle invalid Exception*/
    Toast.makeText(this, "Failed to open camera  -" + ex.message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()


SDK included a supporting class with static configuration - which includes all configurations related to SDK.Confg contains a sub configuration collection CaptureSupport - contains all the Capture & review related configurations. Config.CaptureSupport : contains various configurations as follows:

  • OutputPath - To set the output directory in which the captured images will be saved.Base app should have rights to write to the provided path.

     Config.CaptureSupport.OutputPath = "pass output path sd string";
     Config!!.CaptureSupport!!.OutputPath = "pass output path sd string";
  • MaxPage - To set the number of captures to do on each camera session. And this can also control whether the capture mode is single or multi i.e :

    if MaxPage <= 0 / not set: means unlimited.If MaxPage >= 1: means limited.

     // MaxPage <= 0  : Unlimited Capture Mode  
     // MaxPage = 1   : Limited Single Capture  
     // MaxPage > 1   : Limited Multi Capture Mode  
     Config.CaptureSupport.MaxPage = 0;
     // MaxPage <= 0  : Unlimited Capture Mode  
     // MaxPage = 1   : Limited Single Capture  
     // MaxPage > 1   : Limited Multi Capture Mode  
     Config!!.CaptureSupport!!.MaxPage = 0;
  • ColorMode - To Set the capture color mode - supporting color and grayscale.

     Config.CaptureSupport.ColorMode = Config.CaptureSupport.ColorModes.RBG;
     //RBG (1) - Use capture flow in color mode.
     //GREY (2) - Use capture flow in grey scale mode.
     Config!!.CaptureSupport!!.ColorMode = Config!!.CaptureSupport!!.ColorModes!!.RBG;
     //RBG (1) - Use capture flow in color mode.
     //GREY (2) - Use capture flow in grey scale mode.
  • EnableFlash - Enable Document capture specific flash control for SDK camera.

     Config.CaptureSupport.EnableFlash = true;
     Config!!.CaptureSupport!!.EnableFlash = true;
  • CaptureSound - To Enable camera capture sound.

     Config.CaptureSupport.CaptureSound = true;
     Config!!.CaptureSupport!!.CaptureSound = true;
  • DeviceInfo - Will share all general information about the device.

  • SDKInfo - Contains all version related information on SDK.

  • CameraToggle - Toggle camera between front and back.

      Config.CaptureSupport.CameraToggle = CameraToggleType.ENABLE_BACK_DEFAULT;
     //DISABLED (0) -Disable camera toggle option.
     //ENABLE_BACK_DEFAULT (1) - Enable camera toggle option with Front camera by default.
     //ENABLE_FRONT_DEFAULT (2) - Enable camera toggle option with Back camera  by default.
      Config!!.CaptureSupport!!.CameraToggle = CameraToggleType!!.ENABLE_BACK_DEFAULT;
     //DISABLED (0) -Disable camera toggle option.
     //ENABLE_BACK_DEFAULT (1) - Enable camera toggle option with Front camera by default.
     //ENABLE_FRONT_DEFAULT (2) - Enable camera toggle option with Back camera  by default.


Following are the options/methods available from class ImgHelper :

ImgHelper ImageHelper = new ImgHelper(this);
var ImageHelper: ImgHelper? = ImgHelper(this)
  • SetImageQuality - Set the Quality of the image, Document_Qualityisused.If documents are used further for any automations and OCR, use Document_Quality.

    Available Image Qualities : 1. Photo_Quality. 2. Document_Quality. 3. Compressed_Document.

     ImageHelper.SetImageQuality(1);//0,1,2 - Photo_Quality, Document_Quality, Compressed_Document
  • SetPageLayout - Set the Layout for the images generated/processed by the system.


    Available layouts : A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7,PHOTO & CUSTOM

    A4 is the most recommended layout for document capture scenarios.

  • SetDPI - Set DPI(depth per inch) for the image.

     ImageHelper.SetDPI(200);//int dpi_val = 150, 200, 300, 500, 600;

    Available DPI : DPI_150, DPI_200, DPI_300, DPI_500, DPI_600

    150 & 200 DPI is most used.And 200 DPI recommended for OCR and other image extraction prior to capture.

  • GetThumbnail - This method Will build thumbnail for the given image in custom width,height & AspectRatio.

     Bitmap thumb = ImageHelper.GetThumbnail(ImageBitmap, 600, 600, true);
     Bitmap GetThumbnail(
     	@NonNull  Bitmap bm,
         int reqHeight,
         int reqWidth,
         Boolean AspectRatio )throws ImgException.
     var thumb = ImageHelper!!.GetThumbnail(ImageBitmap, 600, 600, true);
  • CompressToJPEG - This method will Compress the provided bitmap image and will save to given path..

     Boolean Iscompressed = ImageHelper.CompressToJPEG(bitmap,outputFilePath);
     Boolean CompressToJPEG(Bitmap bm,String outputFilePath)
     	throws ImgException
     var Iscompressed = ImageHelper!!.CompressToJPEG(bitmap, outputFilePath);
  • rotateBitmap - This method will rotate the image to preferred orientation.

    Bitmap rotatedBm = ImageHelper.rotateBitmapDegree(nBm, RotationDegree);
    Bitmap rotateBitmapDegree(Bitmap bitmap,int Degree)
    	throws ImgException
     var thumb = ImageHelper!!.rotateBitmapDegree(bitmap, RotationDegree);
  • GetTiffForLastCapture - Build Tiff file output file from last captured set of images.

     //on success, will respond with string : "SUCCESS:::TiffFilePath";
     //use  ":::"  char.  key  to  split  the  response.
     //on failure,will respond with string : "FAILED:::Reason for failure";
     //use ":::" char. key to split the response.
     //on failure, error details can collect from CameraSupport.CamConfigClass.LastLogInfo
     var thumb = ImageHelper!!.GetTiffForLastCapture(outPutFileWithpath);
  • GetPDFForLastCapture - Build PDF file output file from last captured set of images.

     //on success, will respond with string : "SUCCESS:::PdfFilePath";
     //use  ":::"  char.  key  to  split  the  response.
     //on failure,will respond with string : "FAILED:::Reason for failure";
     //use ":::" char. key to split the response.
     //on failure, error details can collect from CameraSupport.CamConfigClass.LastLogInfo
     var thumb = ImageHelper!!.GetPDFForLastCapture(outPutFileWithpath);
  • BuildTiff - Build .tiff file output from the list of images shared.

     *@param "Image File path collection as ArrayList<String>".
     *@param "Output Tiff FilePath as String".
     *@return on failure = "FAILED:::REASON" || on success = "SUCCESS:::TIFF file path".
     var thumb = ImageHelper!!.BuildTiff(ImageCol,OutputTiffFilePath);
  • BuildPDF - Build PDF file output file from last captured set of images.

     *@param  "Image File path collection as ArrayList<String>"
     *@param "Output Tiff FilePath as String".
     *@return  on failure = "FAILED:::REASON" || on success = "SUCCESS:::PDF file path".
     var thumb = ImageHelper!!.BuildPDF(ImageCol,OutputTiffFilePath);


As a part of exceptional error handling ImgException class is available.

  • Following are the possible errors and corresponding codes:
    • CREATE_FILE_ERROR= -100;
    • DELETE_FILE_ERROR= -103;

SDK Licensing

License file provided that should keep inside assets folder of main application and call UnlockImagingLibrary from ImgHelper class to unlock the SDK.

QuickCapture SDK is absolutely free to use.But for image operations on enterprise use cases, license required. Click for license details

//Read lic asset file locally or provide a file url
// eg : String licData = readAssetFile("com.extrieve.lic", this);  
//Pass liscence data to UnlockImagingLibrary method on object(imageHelper) of ImgHelper class.
Boolean IsUnlocked = ImageHelper.UnlockImagingLibrary(licData)

boolean UnlockImagingLibrary(String licenseFileData)
	throws Exception

//Read lic asset file locally or provide a file url
// eg : String licData = readAssetFile("com.extrieve.lic", this);  
//Pass liscence data to UnlockImagingLibrary method on object(imageHelper) of ImgHelper class.
val isUnlocked: Boolean = imageHelper!!.UnlockImagingLibrary(licData)

boolean UnlockImagingLibrary(String licenseFileData)
	throws Exception

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