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@zh805 zh805 released this 22 Nov 07:31

v9.10.6 (Pike, Queens)

NOTE: This version of F5 Openstack Agent supports Pike and Queens Openstack releases.

Added Functionality

*  [OPENSTACK-2890] Suppress vlan 409 error log
*  [OPENSTACK-2915] New implementation of flavor 21
*  [OPENSTACK-2915] Always create snat subnet with 128 size
*  [OPENSTACK-2930] Raise exception if all bigips offline
*  [OPENSTACK-2890] Retry 30 times when 401 or device busy happens
*  [OPENSTACK-2890] 400 retry for device or resource busy
*  [OPENSTACK-2890] 401 retry for loading nodes
*  [OPENSTACK-2912] Not append if profile already exists
*  [OPENSTACK-2912] Add sip profile manipulation
*  [OPENSTACK-2912] remove old description way
*  [OPENSTACK-2900] remove useless comment
*  [OPENSTACK-2908] remove 'multiple' code for member create/delete
*  [OPENSTACK-2908] remove useless arguement for prep_mb_network.
*  [OPENSTACK-2911] create and update description with empty
*  [OPENSTACK-2910] Listener support rewrite_xff.
*  [OPENSTACK-2900] add bulk member create/delete
*  [OPENSTACK-2898] Restore os_password AES decryption code
*  [OPENSTACK-2787] Occupy device
*  [OPENSTACK-2879] Remove redundant loading selfip action
*  [OPENSTACK-2879] Remove redundant deleting route domain action
*  [OPENSTACK-2863] Update travis deploy condition.
*  [OPENSTACK-2863] Remove 9.9 and 9.8 release notes.
*  [OPENSTACK-2863] Update documentation deploy to compatible with 4-digit version numbers.
*  [OPENSTACK-2901] Add source ip port persistence support.
*  [OPENSTACK-2787] Enqueue provisioning job at the very beginning
*  [OPENSTACK-2894] remove bigip decription for vip, vs, pool, healthmonitor
*  [OPENSTACK-2900] remove pool_port_<member-id>
*  [OPENSTACK-2875] new way to delete in _remove_tenant_replication_mode
*  [OPENSTACK-2840] create all the members of a pool at once
*  [OPENSTACK-2840] Do not overwrite existing http2 profile.
*  [OPENSTACK-2873] Retry 401 when adding vlan to route domain
*  [OPENSTACK-2873] Retry 401 when adding vlan interfaces
*  [OPENSTACK-2840] remove the useless subnet argument.
*  [OPENSTACK-2858] Reduce iControl calls when deleting LB
*  [OPENSTACK-2858] Reduce iControl calls for LB creation
*  [OPENSTACK-2840] rebuild lb tree inplace.
*  [OPENSTACK-2858] Do not print exception of ignored HTTP errors
*  [OPENSTACK-2865] enable acl rebuild function
*  [OPENSTACK-2866] Remove obsolete inventory code.
*  [OPENSTACK-2859] Remove obsolete code (lbaas builder)
*  [OPENSTACK-2868] add password_cipher_mode back
*  [OPENSTACK-2792] modify l2 part and remove f5os configs
*  [OPENSTACK-2720] add f5os and l2 related logic
*  [OPENSTACK-2720] remove password_cipher_mode
*  [OPENSTACK-2720] ng F5OS rSeries
*  [OPENSTACK-2860] Remove TOA irule log.
*  [OPENSTACK-2840] rebuild l7policies and l7rules
*  [OPENSTACK-2840] rebuild healthmonitor for a pool
*  [OPENSTACK-2840] rebuild pool
*  [OPENSTACK-2840] add rebuild member function
*  [OPENSTACK-2840] declare rd_id as None
*  [OPENSTACK-2840] fix vxlan update fdb for rebuild
*  [OPENSTACK-2860] TOA tcp option setting for IPv4 and IPv6 separately and add port number.
*  [OPENSTACK-2859] Ignore icontrol 409 by default when creating resource
*  [OPENSTACK-2847] Retry 401 when cleanup partition
*  [OPENSTACK-2847] Retry 401 when initialize bigip connection
*  [OPENSTACK-2840] rebuild change for agent

Bug Fixes
*  [OPENSTACK-2905] Lock route domain when inserting vlan
*  [OPENSTACK-2905] Don't handle vlan not in rd error when creating selfip
*  [OPENSTACK-2879] Only delete empty route domain
*  [OPENSTACK-2886] Fix TOA profile, only create client side tcp profile.
*  [OPENSTACK-2867] Fix creating route domain racing problem
*  [OPENSTACK-2867] Fix creating vlan racing problem
*  [OPENSTACK-2867] Needn't to detach redirect policy after removing vs
*  [OPENSTACK-2861] selfip not deleted
