AshePashe is an android app, which is developed for one of my academic projects. Basically the purpose of the app is to help users to find all the available services including health, transport, catering, repairing etc. near them. And the service providers will advertise their services in the app. The users can directly contact with the service provider and also see other users’ rating. So, it helps the users to find their desired service in an efficient way.
If you want to just test the app, then go to the release page and download the latest .apk file. For compile the source code, pull the repository and open in Android Studio.
- Android Studio installed
- A Firebase project created
- A Mapbox access token (Replace the default one)
- A OneSignal APP ID
After getting all tokens and keys mentioned in the prerequisites section, open the project in Android Studio. Then replace the Mapbox access token with your's one. And also replace the OneSignal APP ID and REST API KEY also. And finally hit the Run button and start testing.
- Firebase - For database, authentication and storage.
- Mapbox SDK - For maps and navigation.
- OneSignal - For push notification.
- Faisal Haque Bappy - FHB369