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Sista is a lightweight, fast, easy-to-use and OS-agnostic object-oriented library for making terminal videogames in C++.

Sista provides a set of classes and functions to make terminal games in C++ easier, shielding developers from having to reinvent the wheel every time they want to make a terminal videogame.


To install Sista, simply download the latest release from GitHub, and extract the contents of the archive to your project's source directory.


To use Sista, simply include the "sista.hpp" header in your project's source files.

#include "include/sista/sista.hpp"

The "sista.hpp" header includes all of the other headers in the "include/sista/" directory, so you don't have to include them individually.


The english documentation for Sista can be found at Sista - ReadTheDocs.

Additional information about versions can be found in the Release Notes.

Sista-based works

Here are some of the most relevant works based on Sista.

  • Inomhus - Bättre att stanna inomhus (better be in the house) - a survival videogame
  • Starklag - den starkastes lag (the law of the strongest) - a partial evolution simulator
  • Dödas - de dödas angrepp (attack of the dead) - a survival speedrun videogame
  • Dune - a survival videogame inspired by Dune