The necessary jars can be found in the downloads folder.
Instructions for setup:
- Put the jar in the same folder as the WPILib jars. This is usually found in [User]/wpilib/user/java/lib.
- Make your robot project.
- Add the jar to your robot projects build path. For eclipse, go to Properties -> Java Build Path -> Add External Jar and select the downloaded jar.
- Go into and in the userLibs property put in the path of the jar that you just moved. The entire line should be userLibs=[User]/wpilib/user/java/lib/.
- In, import visualrobot.* and make robot extend VisualRobot. Then, you'll have to implement some methods. Further instructions for that can be found in the sample robot file included in the downloads folder.
Function Notes:
- Add Function: This is used to add points to your auton and display it in the main window
- GuidedDraw: Allows you to specify the length of the line and the angle from the east horizontal
- Edit Function: Allows you to manipulate the location of points
- Select Function: Allows you to add auxiliary motor commands to your auton
- Delete Function: Allows you to delete points
- Speed Function: Allows you to change the speed of the robot between two points
- Turnspeed Function: Allows you to change the turn speed of the robot at a point
- Mirror X: Mirrors your auton over the vertical center axis
- Mirror Y: Mirrors your auton over the horizontal center axis
- Translate: Allows you to move your entire figure at once
- Restart: Resets the creation of the auton
- Export: Exports the auton to the Robot
- CommandEditor, CommandBlock, Command Panel: See BuildAnAuton2