FireLayout is a CoordinatorLayout linked to its refence on your Firebase Real-Time Database. You can generate your own layout through firebase console.
compile 'com.fs.firelayout:firelayout:0.2.5'
Configure your project with Firebase in order to use Firebase-Database with the auto-generated json file. Use the firebase plugin built in Android Studio.
Create an instance of FireLayout in your layout file or by java code.
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
Note: 'android:id' is mandatory! It's the reference in your firebase database.
Now you have to instantiate the FireLayout:
FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();
FireLayout fireLayout = (FireLayout) findViewById(;
//if you want to listen events
fireLayout.setEventsListener(new FireLayout.EventsListener() {
public void onFireLayoutChildClicked(View view) {
//if you add a tag in your view, you can do some logic to identify the view
public void onFireLayoutChildLongClicked(View view) {
//if you add a tag in your view, you can do some logic to identify the view
Now you're ready to build your own layout!
Example (in sample app folder 'firelayoutSampleConf.json'):
"fire1": {
"relativelayout": {
"layout_width": "match_parent",
"layout_height": "match_parent",
"padding": 5,
"children": {
"linearlayout": {
"layout_width": "match_parent",
"layout_height": "wrap_content",
"orientation": "vertical",
"center_in_parent": true,
"gravity": "center",
"children": {
"imageview": {
"tag": "img1",
"layout_width": "wrap_content",
"layout_height": "wrap_content",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcError": "ic_action_name",
"onClick": true
"textview": {
"layout_width": "match_parent",
"layout_height": "wrap_content",
"text": "Hi, FireLayout!",
"textColor": "#FFFFFF",
"textSize": 20,
"background": "#404040",
"gravity": "center",
"padding": 5,
"onClick": true
"button": {
"tag": "bt1",
"layout_width": "wrap_content",
"layout_height": "wrap_content",
"text": "OK",
"textColor": "#404040",
"background": "#FFFFFF",
"gravity": "center",
"padding": 5,
"margin_top": 10,
"onClick": true,
"onLongClick": true
Import your json in your Firebase database and you're done!
This library is in development and I'm adding new attributes and views. I'll update the following list each update:
Views :
- All
tag = "tag" (use it as identifier)
layout_width = integer / "wrap_content" / "match_parent"
layout_height = integer / "wrap_content" / "match_parent"
background = "exadecimal_code", see example
enable = true/false, default true
visibility = "gone" / "invisible", default visible
padding = integer (if exists, other padding values won't be effective)
padding_top = integer
padding_left = integer
padding_right = integer
padding_bottom = integer
margin = integer (if exists, other margin values won't be effective)
margin_top = integer
margin_left = integer
margin_right = integer
margin_bottom = integer
onClick = true/false, default false
onLongClick = true/false, default false
children = {"childviewname" : {}}
linearlayout (LinearLayout)
orientation = "vertical" / "horizontal"
gravity = "center" / "center_horizontal" / "center_vertical" / "bottom" / "top" / "left" / "right"
relativelayout (RelativeLayout)
gravity = "center" / "center_horizontal" / "center_vertical" / "bottom" / "top" / "left" / "right"
RelativeLayout has optional rules for its children, so in your child object you can add following (see json sample):
align_parent_left = true / false, default false
align_parent_top = true / false, default false
align_parent_right = true / false, default false
align_parent_bottom = true / false, default false
align_parent_start = true / false, default false
align_parent_end = true / false, default false
center_in_parent = true / false, default false
center_horizontal = true / false, default false
center_vertical = true / false, default false
Children Views :
textview (TextView)
text = "text"
textColor = "exadecimal_code", see example
textSize = integer / double
gravity = "center" / "center_horizontal" / "center_vertical" / "bottom" / "top" / "left" / "right"
edittext (EditText)
text = "text"
hint = "hint"
textColor = "exadecimal_code", see example
textSize = integer / double
gravity = "center" / "center_horizontal" / "center_vertical" / "bottom" / "top" / "left" / "right"
button (Button)
text = "text"
textColor = "exadecimal_code", see example
textSize = integer / double
gravity = "center" / "center_horizontal" / "center_vertical" / "bottom" / "top" / "left" / "right"
imageview (ImageView)
src = "name of drawable, in drawable folders"
srcUrl = "url to image", not effective if src is set
srcError = "name of drawable, in drawable folders", this is your image when srcUrl fails and It's not effective if src is set
adjustViewBounds = boolean, default false
scaleType = "scaletype", accepted values : "CENTER", "CENTER_CROP", "CENTER_INSIDE", "FIT_CENTER", "FIT_END", "FIT_START", "FIT_XY", "MATRIX". Default is CENTER_INSIDE.
colorFilter = "exadecimal_code", see example
maxHeight = number
maxWidth = number
Copyright 2016 Francesco Stranieri
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.