QInsControl is designed for controling instruments and data acquiring, which is based on the NI VISA and provides a friendly GUI and a flexible script written mannar to keep both the convenience and universality. See docs here or 视频【QInsControl.jl 开源的可编程仪器控制和数据采集工具】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Y2421N75d/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=9bb5f2e2197b605d0d141ae8f55c67c7
Before installation, make sure you have NI VISA installed! Now it's able to run without VISA and supports TCPIP socket and serial port. (less tested)
julia> ]
(@v1.10) pkg> add https://github.com/FaresX/QInsControl.jl.git
or you can download the execution file on the releases pages, which is a quicker taste.
using QInsControl
TCPIP address: TCPSOCKET:: [TCPSOCKET::ip::port]
serial port address: SERIAL::COM1 [SERIAL::port]
A simple project file demo.daq is in the example folder, which gives some ideas to write your own scripts.
Block mode and text mode can be changed from each other. Block mode is better for selecting instruments, addresses and quantities and some more useful functions. Text mode is better for reading and copying codes. Only block mode is supported to be compiled to executable tasks and run them.
now it comes to a new feture that anyone could create your own widgets to control the instruments.
See here to contribute to this package.