- Programmer: Farhan Bin Faisal
- Files: preprocess.ipynb, wordListMaker.m, postWuggy.ipynb, generateConditions.ipynb
- Date Created: 10 November 2022
- Meltzer Lab
The NBAck Training paradigm was programmed in JavaScript (using PsychoJS) and hosted on Pavlovia. A trial run can be accessed here. Please input the following credentials
- session: 1
- participantID: 19995
- Loads word csv file into a pandas dataframe
- Filters rows for frequency (4.0 Zipfvalue < 5.0)
- Gets syllables of each word
- Uses cmu_dict from nltk
- Filters rows for syllables (1 < syllable < 2)
- Replaces each word with its corresponding lemma
- Uses WordNetLemmatizer for this
- Discards rows not found in cmudict
- Discards profane words and names
- Formats dataframe into SOS-compatible input
- Outputs dataframe as a tab delimited txt file
- File Named "sos_input.txt"
- Uses SOS to make 18 lists of 10 words each
- Lists matched on ZipfValue and syllables
- Used soft constraints for this
- Used hard constraints to floor syllable count and frequency
- Lists can be found in the folder "wordLists"
- Generates nonword lists for every wordList
- nonWordLists outputted to folder nonWordList
- Prints filenames of files which contain words that could not be converted to a nonWord automatically
- Need to generate those pseudowords manually
- Download from http://crr.ugent.be/programs-data/wuggy
- Settings used:
- Orthographic English
- Match syllable length
- Match word length
- Match transition frequency
- Match 2 out of 3 segments
- Manually pass the words that could not be found in the lexicon through Wuggy