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Official Ferload Client command line interface for files download.

This tool works on Windows / MacOS / Linux and requires JRE >= 8

You can verify the installed version using the following:

java -version


  • Go to the releases page
  • Download the last one (or a specific version)
  • In Assets click on the ferload-client file (your browser may ask to confirm the download)

MacOS / Linux

Once it's downloaded give execution rights to the file with the following:

user@localhost:~$ chmod +x ./ferload-client

User guide

This tool provides several commands and by default will display usage if none specified:

  • MacOS / Linux
user@localhost:~$ ./ferload-client
  • Windows

You can use default DOS command line or PowerShell like the following:


If you have the following error: 'ferload-client' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Rename the file into: ferload-client.bat

  • Should display
Usage: ferload-client [-hV] [COMMAND]
Official Ferload Client command line interface for files download.
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.
  configure   Help configure this tool.
  download   Download files based on provided manifest.


Will ask the user to enter step by step the required information needed to configure the tool.

Note: This step has to be done at least once and will be prompted if not done before download


Usage: ferload-client configure [-hrV] [-f=<ferloadUrl>] [-u=<username>]
 Help configure this tool.
  -f, --ferload-url=<ferloadUrl>
                  Ferload url
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
  -r, --reset     Reset configuration (default: false)
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.

All the params are optional if not provided user will access interactive prompts.

Example (username / password)

user@localhost:~$ ./ferload-client configure

Welcome to Ferload Client, this tools will download
the files based on the provided manifest.

Press 'enter' to keep the existing configuration [current].

Ferload url                 [http://localhost:9001]: 
username                                    [user1]: 

Retrieve Ferload configuration ✅

Configuration has been successfully updated ✅

Example (off-line token)

user@localhost:~$ ./ferload-client configure

Welcome to Ferload Client, this tools will download
the files based on the provided manifest.

Press 'enter' to keep the existing configuration [current].

Ferload url                 [http://localhost:9090]: 

Retrieve Ferload configuration ✅

Extract authentication method ✅

Please follow that link to get your token https://somewhere-generate-user-token/
Paste token here                                   : aaa.bbb.ccc

Configuration has been successfully updated ✅

Note: configure will display current existing configuration values, user doesn't have to re-write them again, just press 'enter' if the value didn't changed


By providing a manifest file and an output folder the tool will start downloading the files. This step is done concurrently with a secured hash validation for file integrity.


Usage: ferload-client download [-hV] [-o=<outputDir>] [-p=<password>]
                               (-m=<byManifest> | (-i=<id> [--manifest-only]))
Download files based on provided manifest.
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
  -i, --manifest-id=<id>   manifest ID
      --manifest-only      Download the manifest only from the manifest id
  -m, --manifest=<byManifest>
                           manifest file location
  -o, --output-dir=<outputDir>
                  downloads location (default: .)
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.

Manifest and output folder have default values. User can provide specific ones if needed.


user@localhost:~$ ./ferload-client download -m ./data/m1.tsv -o ./data

Welcome to Ferload Client, this tools will download
the files based on the provided manifest.

password                                   [hidden]:

Retrieve user credentials                          ✅

Checking manifest file                             ✅

Retrieve Ferload download link(s)                  ✅

Compute total average expected download size       ✅

The total average expected download size will be 4GB do you want to continue (your available disk space is: 87 GB) ? [yes]

FIL0000010 [##################################################]      0 /      0 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000002 [##################################################]    125 /    125 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000008 [##################################################]    225 /    225 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000005 [##################################################]    200 /    200 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000009 [##################################################]    500 /    500 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000003 [##################################################]     75 /     75 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000004 [##################################################]     50 /     50 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000007 [##################################################]    175 /    175 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000011 [##################################################]   1024 /   1024 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000012 [##################################################]   2048 /   2048 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000001 [##################################################]    100 /    100 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000006 [##################################################]    150 /    150 MB (100%) 📦

Total downloaded files: 12 located here: ./data

Example (download with device token)

user@localhost:~$ ./ferload-client download -m ./data/m1.tsv -o ./data

Welcome to Ferload Client, this tools will download
the files based on the provided manifest.

Retrieve device token                              ✅

Copy/Paste this URL in your browser and login please: http://localhost:32771/realms/CQDG/device?user_code=NNLJ-AOOQ
Checking manifest file                             ✅

Retrieve Ferload download link(s)                  ✅

Compute total average expected download size       ✅

The total average expected download size will be 76 MB do you want to continue (your available disk space is: 60 GB) ? [yes]: yes

FIL0000001  [##################################################]     76 /     76 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000002  [##################################################]     76 /     76 MB (100%) 📦

Total downloaded files: 12 located here: ./data

Example (download with device token using a manifest id)

user@localhost:~$ ./ferload-client download -i 800a290f-edcc-4ece-8c83-449fc1694afd -o ./data

Welcome to Ferload Client, this tools will download
the files based on the provided manifest.

Retrieve device token                              ✅

Copy/Paste this URL in your browser and login please: http://localhost:32771/realms/CQDG/device?user_code=NNLJ-AOOQ
Retrieving Manifest from ID                        ✅

Checking manifest file                             ✅

Compute total average expected download size       ✅

The total average expected download size will be 76 MB do you want to continue (your available disk space is: 60 GB) ? [yes]: yes

FIL0000001  [##################################################]     76 /     76 MB (100%) 📦
FIL0000002  [##################################################]     76 /     76 MB (100%) 📦

Total downloaded files: 12 located here: ./data

Note: in case the tool can't compute the total average expected download size, the following message will be displayed:

Failed to compute total average expected download size, reason: Future timed out after [60 seconds]
You can still proceed with the download, verify you have remaining disk-space available. ✅


Manifest file

This file is downloaded by the user from the portal or received by email.

Example of content:

url size
path/FIL0000001 10
path/FIL0000002 20
path/FIL0000005 100
path/FIL0000006 99
path/FIL0000008 41
path/FIL0000009 5
path/FIL0000010 78
path/FIL0000011 1500
path/FIL0000012 0

Note: the character separator between columns is a tabulation \t

Sequence diagrams


configure sequence


configure sequence


technology link details
scala 2.x
picocli command-line library
config to manage internal configuration
keycloak JAVA API to access Keycloak
AWS S3 v1 Used for TransferManager mainly
Apache HTTP client To perform HTTP calls
Apache CSV Manipulate CSV files
Apache IO Files and IO utils
JSON-Java Help working with JSON

Access rights

The following sequence diagram explains how the access rights are granted for each user.

Note: This part isn't done by this tool but is required otherwise the user will not be allowed to download the files.

configure sequence

Example of forbidden message if not sufficient rights:

No enough access rights to download the following files, code: 403, message:



The following command will release a new version of the tool:

git tag v?.?.?
git push origin v?.?.?

Note: don't use the Github release UI as it will be in conflict with the pipeline script.