Still Working On this But Code Is working and pulling Data through to Hassio via sensor: Im using a D1mini but will work on esp8266
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "hassio/hrv/status"
name: "HRV Status"
unit_of_measurement: ""
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "hassio/hrv/housetemp"
name: "House Temp"
unit_of_measurement: ""
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "hassio/hrv/rooftemp"
name: "Roff Temp"
unit_of_measurement: ""
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "hassio/hrv/fanspeed"
name: "Fan Speed"
unit_of_measurement: ""
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "hassio/hrv/controltemp"
name: "Control Temp"
unit_of_measurement: ""
#define HASSIOHRVSTATUS "hassio/hrv/status"
#define HASSIOHRVSUBHOUSE "hassio/hrv/housetemp"
#define HASSIOHRVSUBROOF "hassio/hrv/rooftemp"
#define HASSIOHRVSUBCONTROL "hassio/hrv/controltemp"
#define HASSIOHRVSUBFANSPEED "hassio/hrv/fanspeed"
// MQTT pubs Testing Not yet functional
#define HASSIOTESTINGPOWERCONTROL "hassio/hrv/powercontrol"
#define HASSIOTESTINGBURNTTOASTMODE "hassio/hrv/burnttoast"
#define HASSIOTESTINGVENTERLATIONLEVEL "hassio/hrv/venterlationlevel"
#define HASSIOTESTINGTEMPCONTROL "hassio/hrv/tempcontol"
at the moment there are no controlls e.g tuning on off or setting fan speeds and on off times / burnt toast mode hopfully I can get comands to work..