Cogs is a fullstack framework for building HATEOAS-based web applications using a custom templating language that compiles directly to highly-optimized Rust code.
HTMX is recommended alongside Cogs as the frontend piece of the HATEOAS stack.
{ let random: u32 = rand::random(); }
<title>cogs - small_to_console</title>
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<p>The random number is: <h1>{random}</h1></p>
<p>Want more?</p>
for _ in 0..5 {
let num: u32 = rand::random();
- Basic syntax and parsing
- Code generation
- Basic axum example
- Full axum integration
- (?) Custom codegen based HTMX alternative
- (?) WASM-based "Client Components"