This twitter bot runs from a simple R script. This script polls a random json endpoint from the collection database and then assembles a tweet with:
- Link to record
- An image of the artwork
- The title(s) of the artwork
- The maker(s) of the artwork
- Accession number
This currently pulls just from the works in Prints and Drawings with a picture attached, this may change.
The bot tweets at
To make this work, a Twitter App needs to be generated with elevated access to the V2 API (read and write) - apply for access from essential after generation. Once you have set up the twitter account, you need to set the 4 keys referred to in the R script as secrets in the github repo settings. Then the action will be executed every 6 hours and send a tweet.
The endpoint from which JSON is retrieved can be found at and is also used to run
GPL V3 for code Content within the Fitz API that this calls data from is CC-0 for metadata, CC-BY-NC-ND for images.