- 26d2074 fix(score): use mem too high & (aifalse): style adjust (#1026)
- 2c8726d [mcfish]修改钓鱼规则 (#1072)
- 74edd1c chore(deps): bump github.com/FloatTech/rendercard from 0.1.1 to 0.1.2 (#1007)
- 112da0f chore(deps): bump github.com/antchfx/htmlquery from 1.3.1 to 1.3.3 (#1005)
- 077da37 chore(deps): bump github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3 from 3.24.4 to 3.24.5 (#1008)
- a8cb6f2 chore(deps): bump github.com/tidwall/gjson from 1.17.3 to 1.18.0 (#1004)
- 24b4387 chore(deps): bump github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/v2 from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 (#1009)
- 42b63d8 chore(deps): bump github.com/wdvxdr1123/ZeroBot (#1030)
- 24ce891 chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.20.0 to 0.26.0 (#1006)
- 8e6eb61 chore(lint): 改进代码样式 (#1011)
- 339b9db chore(lint): 改进代码样式 (#1021)
- 0537fcb chore(lint): 改进代码样式 (#1034)
- 814fa0c chore(lint): 改进代码样式 (#1040)
- 3102577 chore: bump deps (#1010)
- edf186f chore: bump deps (#1012)
- db50375 chore: bump deps (#1013)
- 831fe54 chore: bump deps (#1015)
- 8b302d7 chore: bump deps (#1017)
- 25ce35f chore: bump deps (#1018)
- 6a0d8fb chore: bump deps (#1020)
- 419f67f chore: bump deps (#1025)
- 78d1563 chore: bump deps (#1028)
- 6c79b33 chore: bump deps (#1033)
- ba3df3d chore: bump deps (#1036)
- 6349f38 chore: bump deps (#1037)
- b4edabb chore: bump deps (#1056)
- 9470977 chore: bump deps (#1057)
- 096bd4c chore: bump deps (#995)
- 066ee59 chore: make lint happy
- 4ba0b36 chore: remove aireply due to 没人用
- 08d33fd chore: remove moegoe due to 没人用
- 83ca8c3 chore: update deps
- 66a8ec9 chore: update deps
- b448e97 chore: update deps
- 48a2703 chore: update deps
- 4cf296c feat(chatcount): rank use image (#1027)
- defcdf3 feat(ci): add dependabot
- 6a03864 feat(manager): no forward on single slow
- 4b0a2a1 feat(niuniu): 寫真으로 順位 表示 (#1024)
- 9e8ae43 feat(qqwife): some onregex -> pattern (#1058)
- 7c5a177 feat(qqwife): 添加好感度提升途径 (#1049)
- f5e1c19 feat: add custom folder
- baf1a80 feat: add plugin emozi & remove vitsnyaru
- 6a2c7e8 feat: 签到失败时使用本地图片#1067 (#1068)
- b777b34 fix(dish): 修复客官名显示为菜名的问题 (#1000)
- ef3fa92 fix(emozi): login
- 105553c fix(emozi): login
- 23c0949 fix(emozi): login
- 50be1bb fix(emozi): print username only
- 001fdcc fix(emozi): usr login
- 147ebb0 fix(gif): remove gitcode 👎
- eb065e1 fix(niuniu): 一些小问题 (#1043)
- b9bea7d fix: two bugs in mcifsh (#1029)
- 410dd05 fix: 牛牛逻辑问题 (#996)
- 3c72899 fix: 进行1e5次钓鱼不出下界合金竿的问题 (#1051)
- f133423 fix: 重写交易鱼类上限逻辑 (#1002) (#1003)
- e653475 fix:修复出售限制未生效的问题 (#1038)
- 321c941 fix:修复猜单词插件最后一轮无法正常发送的错误 (#1039)
- 8bcab9b optimize(img): drop remote image pool
- 83037f6 update: 重写[mcfish]交易检测逻辑 (#1070)