Releases: Flutterish/rurusetto-addon
Rurusetto Addon 1.8.13
Rūrusetto Addon 1.8.13
Fixed a breaking change - osu removed hex icon resources preventing the addon from loading. The usages have been changed to fit with the new UI style.
Rurusetto Addon 1.8.12
Rūrusetto Addon 1.8.12
Fixed a breaking change.
Rurusetto Addon 1.8.11
Rūrusetto Addon 1.8.11
Bumped the osu version. Not sure if this changes anything, but better to be safe.
Rurusetto Addon 1.8.10
Rūrusetto Addon 1.8.10
Bumped osu version.
Rurusetto Addon 1.8.9
Rūrusetto Addon 1.8.9
Bumped osu version, added spanish locale
Rurusetto Addon 1.8.8
Rūrusetto Addon 1.8.8
This is a quick update that fixes an incompatibility with the newest version of lazer
Rurusetto Addon 1.8.7
Rūrusetto Addon 1.8.7
This is a quick update that fixes an incompatibility with the newest version of osu!framework
Rurusetto Addon 1.8.6
Rūrusetto Addon 1.8.6
This is a quick update that fixes a bug where ruleset icons (which are code) could error out preventing the listing from fully loading.
This resolves #6
Rurusetto Addon 1.8.5
Rūrusetto Addon 1.8.5
This is a quick update that fixes a breaking change with lazer.
Rurusetto Addon 1.8.4
Rūrusetto Addon 1.8.4
This is a quick update that fixes a breaking change with lazer.
I am currently working on a bigger release, but as I have to release this fix now, you get some extra features:
- You can now navigate the history backward and forward with alt/control + arrows and not just the back action (escape)
- A recommended beatmaps subpage to wiki pages (when any are available)
- Selecting the ruleset will now open the overlay as well
- The icon is now the official rūrusetto icon rather than a circled "r"
- You can now refresh individual wiki subpages with F5, and the whole wiki with Shift+F5
- Every tab now has a large margin on the bottom to allow for scrolling it higher
- Ruleset description that are not scrollable with the cursor are now not scrollable with the wheel either