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Forge DEX Analytics Dashboard


Calculation Breakdown

1. Calculate deposit amount of token0 and token1

  • Refer to Uniswap V3 Whitepaper (Formula: 6.29, 6.30, P.8), we can calculate total amount of each token by using these formulas: (if il <= ic < iu; where il = lowerTickId, ic = currentTickId, iu = upperTickId, Pl = lower price, Pu = upper price)
    • deltaY = deltaL * (sqrt(P) - sqrt(Pl))
    • deltaX = deltaL * (1 / sqrt(P) - 1 / sqrt(Pu))
  • For estimation of the amount of token0 (deltaX) and token1 (deltaY) we need to know deltaL that make:
    • deltaY * priceUSDY + deltaX * priceUSDX = depositAmountUSD
  • So we can write a equation like this:
    • deltaL * (sqrt(P) - sqrt(Pl)) * priceUSDY + deltaL * (1 / sqrt(P) - 1 / sqrt(Pu)) * priceUSDX = depositAmountUSD
    • Then: deltaL = depositAmountUSD / ((sqrt(P) - sqrt(Pl)) * priceUSDY + (1 / sqrt(P) - 1 / sqrt(Pu)) * priceUSDX)
  • After we've calculated deltaL, we can calculate deltaX and deltaY using these formulas mentioned in Uniswap v3 Whitepaper
    • deltaY = deltaL * (sqrt(P) - sqrt(Pl)) (Formula: 6.29, P.8)
    • deltaX = deltaL * (1 / sqrt(P) - 1 / sqrt(Pu)) (Formula: 6.30, P.8)

2. Calculate estimated fee

  • Estimated fee (daily) can be calculated by this equation:
    • fee = feeTier * volume24H * (deltaL / (L + deltaL)) where:
      • volume24H = average of 24h volume from [currentDay - 7, currentDay - 1]
      • L = total liquidity (cumulative of liquidityNet from all ticks that il <= ic)
      • deltaL = delta liquidity, can be calculated from:
        • liquidityAmount0 = amount0 * (sqrt(pu) * sqrt(pl)) / (sqrt(pu) - sqrt(pl))
        • liquidityAmount1 = amount1 / (sqrt(pu) - sqrt(pl))
        • if ic < il; deltaL = liquidityAmount0
        • if ic > iu; deltaL = liquidityAmount1
        • if ic >= il && ic <= iu; deltaL = min(liquidityAmount0, liquidityAmount1)


  • Integrate our shiny new graph for better price querying.
  • Tashi contracts integration + autocompounder
  • Revert & Steer data feed
  • Replace CoinGecko API with GeckoTerminal API

Forked by @LPX to unify Evmos DeFi; Recent: @noahwbragg. Previous: @chunrapeepat.