Working out kinks in the idea... :)
- tskit
- attrs
- seaborn
- pandas
Versions used here for the important things:
- Python 3.8
- tskit 2.3 (pip3 installed from PyPi)
- attrs 19.3.0 (pip3 installed from PyPi)
- A C++ compiler with complete C++17 support. For example, GCC >= 9.1
- boost's program options library,
sudo apt install libboost-program-options-dev
- GSL,
sudo apt install libgsl-dev
- cmake,
sudo apt install cmake
- tbb,
sudo apt install libtbb-dev
The tool chain used here is:
- Pop! OS 20.04
- g++ 9.3
- boost 1.71
- gsl 2.5
- cmake 3.16.3
- tbb
All packages are the OS versions.
cmake -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cd build
make VERBOSE=1
Substitute Debug
for Release
to disable optimizations and add -g