XLSXWriter is a PHP library built on top of PhpSpreadsheet that allows you to easily convert data into an Excel (.xlsx) file. With its modular design, XLSXWriter provides a clean API for generating Excel files with customizable features such as headers, rows, borders, font styles, background colors, and more.
Note: This library requires PHP 8.3 or later.
- Modular Architecture:
Separate classes handle building the spreadsheet, applying styles, and saving the file. - Customizable Styling:
Easily customize fonts, colors, borders, and cell formats using PhpSpreadsheet’s style API. - Robust Excel Generation:
Leverages PhpSpreadsheet to create real Excel files (.xlsx) with support for advanced features. - Easy Integration:
Suitable for plain PHP projects or Laravel applications.
Install XLSXWriter via Composer. This command will also install PhpSpreadsheet as a dependency:
composer require franco28dev/xlsxwriter
- Below is a simple example that creates an Excel file with headers and data rows, applying basic styling (such as bold headers with a yellow background and thin borders):
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use XLSXWriter\ExcelWriter;
$excelWriter = new ExcelWriter();
// Suppose you want to override the default font size, type, and background color:
$customHeaderStyle = [
'font' => [
'size' => 20, // bigger font
'name' => 'Calibri', // change to Calibri
'color' => [
'argb' => 'FF0000FF' // optional: change font color (blue)
'fill' => [
'startColor' => [
'argb' => 'FFFFEEEE' // pale background color
// Set headers (automatically styled)
$excelWriter->setHeaders(['Name', 'Age', 'Email'], $customHeaderStyle);
// Add data rows
$excelWriter->addRow(['John Doe', 30, 'john@example.com']);
$excelWriter->addRow(['Jane Doe', 25, 'jane@example.com']);
// Save the Excel file to disk
$filename = 'output.xlsx';
if ($excelWriter->write($filename)) {
echo "Excel file created successfully at {$filename}.";
} else {
echo "Error creating Excel file.";
- Here’s an example of how to integrate XLSXWriter in a Laravel controller to generate and download an Excel file:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use XLSXWriter\ExcelWriter;
class ExcelController extends Controller
public function downloadExcel()
// Initialize XLSXWriter
$excelWriter = new ExcelWriter();
// Suppose you want to override the default font size, type, and background color:
$customHeaderStyle = [
'font' => [
'size' => 20, // bigger font
'name' => 'Calibri', // change to Calibri
'color' => [
'argb' => 'FF0000FF' // optional: change font color (blue)
'fill' => [
'startColor' => [
'argb' => 'FFFFEEEE' // pale background color
$excelWriter->setHeaders(['Name', 'Age', 'Email'], $customHeaderStyle)
->addRow(['John Doe', 30, 'john@example.com'])
->addRow(['Jane Doe', 25, 'jane@example.com']);
// Write the file to disk
$filename = 'download.xlsx';
if ($excelWriter->write($filename)) {
// Return file as a download and delete after sending
return response()->download($filename)->deleteFileAfterSend(true);
return response("Error creating Excel file.", 500);
use XLSXWriter\ExcelWriter;
$excelWriter = new ExcelWriter();
// Set the offset to (3, 3) => D4
$excelWriter->setOffset(3, 3);
// Suppose you want to override the default font size, type, and background color:
$customHeaderStyle = [
'font' => [
'size' => 20, // bigger font
'name' => 'Calibri', // change to Calibri
'color' => [
'argb' => 'FF0000FF' // optional: change font color (blue)
'fill' => [
'startColor' => [
'argb' => 'FFFFEEEE' // pale background color
// Define headers and rows
$excelWriter->setHeaders(['Fecha', 'Total'], $customHeaderStyle);
$excelWriter->addRow(['2023-01-01', '1000']);
$excelWriter->addRow(['2023-01-02', '1500']);
// Save the Excel file to disk
$filename = 'offset_example.xlsx';
if ($excelWriter->write($filename)) {
echo "Excel file created successfully at {$filename}.";
} else {
echo "Error creating Excel file.";
// Optional: If you implement a getter for the spreadsheet:
$spreadsheet = $excelWriter->getSpreadsheet();
'font' => [
'name' => 'Calibri',
'size' => 11