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FriendlyNeighborhoodShane committed Apr 4, 2024
1 parent 666c777 commit 28aee47
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Showing 5 changed files with 459 additions and 0 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/cron.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Simple, no-dependency config to execute a file

- cron: '0 0 * * *'

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
- run: |
git clone --single-branch "$GITHUB_SERVER_URL/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" .
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,45 @@
# MinMicroG Auto Builder

Free computing power to the masses, and laziness to me!

This repo (ab)uses Github's CI mechanism to automatically create MinMicroG
builds whenever something is updated. This offloads the work of manually
checking for updates regularly, as well as making builds for every small
update for people that live on the bleeding edge.

## !!!

These are NOT official releases. For official releases see

## !!!

This is NOT the way to self-build MinMicroG (although it can be a shortcut
to do that). For self-building see

## !!!

These zips are NOT created by me; I give no guarantees about their legitimacy
or functionality. The script does do signature verification with the last
official release's certificates, however, to the best of its ability.

## What is this?

Every midnight (UTC), Github server VMs will run the `run` shell script.
It will see if something has changed since the last time a CI build or
official release was made, and if it has, it will create a release with
all variants. The release will be tagged on the commit of the binary
assets it was made from.

The release note will be a human-readable list of changes generated by the
`diffmsg` awk script, by feeding on `git diff --raw` outputs with both the
last CI build and the last official release. The update and build log
outputs will be attached as release assets, along with a diff file that
contains the `git diff --stat --patch` outputs.

branch of this repo holds the entire resdl binary history of official
MinMicroG releases. But the last commit always holds the binaries from the
last CI build.
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions diffmsg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
#!/bin/awk -f
# create release message for MMG-CI releases
# feeds on git diff --raw


# map uncommon apk names to conventional names for translation
delete appmap
appmap["GoogleBackupTransport"] = "Google sync adapters"
appmap["GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter"] = "Google sync adapters"
appmap["GoogleContactsSyncAdapter"] = "Google sync adapters"
appmap["MicroGGMSCore"] = "MicroG"
appmap["MicroGGSFProxy"] = "GSF proxy"
appmap["MicroGUNLP"] = "UNLP"
appmap["Phonesky"] = "Playstore"

# init stateful vars
# arrays and index counters
appc = 0
binc = 0
cerc = 0
delete appv
delete binv
delete cerv


# git diff --raw format
# (p = number of parents of commit)
# (SP = space char)
# { ":" }*p { mode SP }*(p+1) { hash SP }*(p+1) status SP { filepath SP }*?
# 0..p modes and hashes are of parents, (p+1)ths are of the child
# IDK anything about filepaths
# example:
# :000000 100644 0000000 3abb859 A
# ::100644 100644 100644 08576ac 08576ac c4585d8 MM system/bin/npem

# skip non-diff lines
# they don't start with colons
!/^:[:]*/ { next }

# process each line and take out useful fields
# set variables: file, action

# match the pattern and get number of colons
# number of colons = number of parents of commit
match($0, "^:[:]*")
parents = RLENGTH
offset = (parents + 1) * 2

# get change status and build array of filepaths
change = $(offset + 1)
filec = 0
delete filev
for (i = offset + 2; i <= NF; i++) {
filev[filec] = $i
filec += 1

# I have no idea what to with merges
# only supports non-merge commits for now
if (parents != 1) next
if (change ~ "C" || change ~ "R")
# for copies and renames, first filepath is src, second is dst
file = filev[1]
# for everything else there is only one filepath
file = filev[0]

# find action by matching status code
if (change ~ "A" || change ~ "C" || change ~ "R")
action = "added"
else if (change ~ "M")
action = "updated"
else if (change ~ "D")
action = "deleted"
# unknown status, skip


# match file with various paths
# add their string and action to relevant arrays
# array[i, 0] = string
# array[i, 1] = action

# string literals used as regex patterns are parsed twice by awk
# all escapes need to be doubled for simpler implementations

file ~ "^system/(priv-)?app/[^/]*/(-[^/]*-/)?[^/]*\\.apk$" {
split(file, arr, "/")
str = arr[3]
if (str in appmap)
str = appmap[str]
for (i = 0; i < appc; i++)
if (appv[i, 0] == str) next
appv[appc, 0] = str
appv[appc, 1] = action
appc += 1
file ~ "^system/(x)?bin/(-[^/]*-/)?[^/]*$" {
n = split(file, arr, "/")
str = "`" arr[n] "`"
for (i = 0; i < binc; i++)
if (binv[i, 0] == str) next
binv[binc, 0] = str
binv[binc, 1] = action
binc += 1
file ~ "^system/framework/(-[^/]*-/)?com\\.google\\.android\\.maps\\.jar$" {
str = "MicroG maps API v1"
for (i = 0; i < binc; i++)
if (binv[i, 0] == str) next
binv[binc, 0] = str
binv[binc, 1] = "updated"
binc += 1
file ~ "^util/certs/repo/[^/]*\\.cer$" {
split(file, arr, "/")
repo = substr(arr[4], 1, length(arr[4]) - length(".cer"))
str = "cert for repo" " " repo
for (i = 0; i < cerc; i++)
if (cerv[i, 0] == str) next
cerv[cerc, 0] = str
cerv[cerc, 1] = "changed"
cerc += 1
file ~ "^util/certs/system/(priv-)?app/[^/]*/(-[^/]*-/)?[^/]*\\.cer$" {
split(file, arr, "/")
str = "cert for app" " " arr[5]
for (i = 0; i < cerc; i++)
if (cerv[i, 0] == str) next
cerv[cerc, 0] = str
cerv[cerc, 1] = "changed"
cerc += 1


# printf fmt string
fmt = " - %s %s\n"

# loop through all non-empty lists and print elements
if (appc) {
print("- Apps changed:")
for (i = 0; i < appc; i++) {
printf(fmt, appv[i, 1], appv[i, 0])
if (binc) {
print("- Binaries changed:")
for (i = 0; i < binc; i++) {
printf(fmt, binv[i, 1], binv[i, 0])
if (cerc) {
print("- Certs changed:")
for (i = 0; i < cerc; i++) {
printf(fmt, cerv[i, 1], cerv[i, 0])

83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions release
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
# Upload MinMicroG packages to releases

error() {
echo " ";
echo "!!! FATAL: $1";
exit 1;

# Exit if not running on Github CI
[ "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ] || exit 0;


# Release variables
auth="Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN";
id="$(curl -fs -H "$auth" "$ghapi/tags/$tag" | jq -r '.id')";

# Big if true
if [ "$id" != "null" ] && [ "$id" != "" ]; then
echo " ";
echo "Daily release $tag exists !!!";
exit 0;
elif (cd "./MinMicroG-resdl" && [ "$(git diff --staged -- system)" ]); then
echo " ";
echo "Committing updates to resdl tracker...";
cd "./MinMicroG-resdl" || error "could not cd";
git -c"github-actions" -c"[email protected]" commit --amend -m "Current bins";
git push -f "https://$GITHUB_ACTOR:$$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" "+HEAD:refs/volatile/current";
elif [ "$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME" != "workflow_dispatch" ]; then
echo " ";
echo "Nothing to update !!!";
exit 0;

# Release time
echo " ";
echo "Creating release at $tag...";
commit="$(git -C "./MinMicroG-resdl" rev-parse "HEAD")";
[ "$commit" ] || error "could not get resdl commit";
str="$(cat <<EOF | jq -Rsr "@json";
Automatic release triggered by $GITHUB_EVENT_NAME.
The masses deserve to be lazy!
Update diff from last CI build:
$( (cd "./MinMicroG-resdl" && git diff --raw "HEAD@{1}";) | "./diffmsg" | sed 's|^| |g'; )
Update diff from last official release:
$( (cd "./MinMicroG-resdl" && git diff --raw "HEAD^";) | "./diffmsg" | sed 's|^| |g'; )
id="$(cat <<EOF | curl --data "@-" -H "$auth" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "$ghapi" | jq -r '.id';
"tag_name": "$tag",
"target_commitish": "$commit",
"name": "$name",
"body": $str,
"draft": true
[ "$id" ] && [ "$id" != "null" ] || error "could not find release id";

# Upload time
echo " ";
echo "Uploading files...";
for file in "./MinMicroG/releases"/*; do
ghass="$ghupl/$id/assets?name=$(basename "$file")";
curl --data-binary @"$file" -H "$auth" -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" "$ghass" -o /dev/null;

# Publish drafted release
cat <<EOF | curl --data "@-" -H "$auth" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "$ghapi/$id";

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