npm_and_yarn in /. for @types/node, @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin, @typescript-eslint/parser, @vitest/browser, @vitest/coverage-istanbul, eslint, eslint-config-airbnb-typescript, eslint-plugin-import, eslint-plugin-jsdoc, glob, knip, open, rimraf, textlint, tsup, tsx, turbo, typescript, vitest, webdriverio, @tanstack/react-query, web-vitals, vue, type-fest, mkdirp, @types/mkdirp, @types/rimraf, @noble/curves, graphql-request, @noble/hashes, ora, chokidar, esbuild, @tanstack/react-router, @tanstack/rou... #39
1 error
Dependabot encountered an error performing the update
Error: The updater encountered one or more errors.
For more information see: (write access to the repository is required to view the log)