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ParquetSharp.Dataset supports reading datasets consisting of multiple Parquet files, which may be partitioned with a partitioning strategy such as Hive partitioning. Data is read using the Apache Arrow format.

Note that ParquetSharp.Dataset does not use the Apache Arrow C++ Dataset library, but is implemented on top of ParquetSharp, which uses the Apache Arrow C++ Parquet library.


To begin with, you will need a dataset of Parquet files that have the same schema:


You can then create a DatasetReader, and read data from this as a stream of Arrow RecordBatch:

using ParquetSharp.Dataset;

var dataset = new DatasetReader("/my-dataset");
using var arrayStream = dataset.ToBatches();
while (await reader.ReadNextRecordBatchAsync() is { } batch)
    using (batch)
        // Use data in the batch

Your dataset may be partitioned using Hive partitioning, where directories are named containing a field name and value:


To read Hive partitioned data, you can provide a HivePartitioning.Factory instance to the DatasetReader constructor, and the partitioning schema will be inferred by looking at the dataset directory structure:

var partitioningFactory = new HivePartitioning.Factory();
var dataset = new DatasetReader("/my-dataset", partitioningFactory);

Alternatively, you can specify the partitioning schema explicitly:

var partitioningSchema = new Apache.Arrow.Schema.Builder()
    .Field(new Field("part", new StringType(), nullable: false))
var partitioning = new HivePartitioning(partitioningSchema);
var dataset = new DatasetReader("/my-dataset", partitioning);

When creating a DatasetReader, the schema from the first Parquet file found will be inspected to determine the full dataset schema. This can be avoided by providing the full dataset schema explicitly:

var datasetSchema = new Apache.Arrow.Schema.Builder()
    .Field(new Field("part", new StringType(), nullable: false))
    .Field(new Field("x", new Int32Type(), nullable: false))
    .Field(new Field("y", new FloatType(), nullable: false))
var dataset = new DatasetReader("/my-dataset", partitioning, datasetSchema);

Filtering data

When reading data from a dataset, you can specify the columns to include and filter rows based on field values. Row filters may apply to fields from data files or from the partitioning schema. When a filter excludes a partition directory no files from that directory will be read.

var columns = new[] {"x", "y"};
var filter = Col.Named("part").IsIn(new[] {"a", "c"});
using var arrayStream = dataset.ToBatches(filter, columns);
while (await reader.ReadNextRecordBatchAsync() is { } batch)
    using (batch)
        // batch will only contain columns "x" and "y",
        // and only files in the selected partitions will be read.