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Pablo Collado Soto edited this page Dec 2, 2022 · 1 revision


We have decided to prepare an appendix so that we can shed some light on obscure topics not directly related to the project itself. We'll talk about tangential componentes of the project so that we can have a clearer idea of what's going on in the background and you can get a better grasp of the tools we have employed. It's a win win!

The Vagrantfile

I bet you have heard about Virtualbox this wonderful program lets us virtualize an entire computer inside our own so that we can try new linux-based distros, use a Windows OS from Linux or just "create" a server farm for our own personal needs amongst many other use cases. These "virtual computers" are called Virtual Machines or VMs in Virtualbox lingo. The "bad" thing is that Virtualbox only offers a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to manage new and existing VMs which makes the process extremely slow and changes it with each new update (the window titles vary, the menus are in different places...). This poses no problem at all to the average user but it becomes a nuisance in scenarios like ours.

Another point of concern is the VM's provisioning: How can we get files from the host machine into the VM? We commonly used shared folders between the host machine and the VM but the set-up process can be a real pain. Is there any hope left in the galaxy? Yes: Help me Vagrant, you are my only hope!

We can think of Vagrant as a wrapper for Virtualbox that let's us describe the VM's we want in a file called the Vagrantfile. We then run Vagrant with this file as an input and everything will be set up for us! By changing the Vagrantfile we can modify every VM in our topology. This includes provisioning new files, changing their memory, hostname, OS... This allows for a much more reproducible environment and hence a great portability.

The Vagrantfile itself is written in ruby. It's contents are mostly in plain English and we have included comments for the tricky parts so as to make everything as clear as possible. You can even use this Vagrantfile as a template for your own projects!

File descriptors: stdout and friends

What's a file descriptor? We can think of it as an information bundle describing a place we can write data to and read data from. We can employ these file descriptors to communicate our programs with the exterior world by menas of a file. In C we can open files through their file descriptors which we create thanks to the fopen() function. If you take a closer look at the documentation you will see the type returned by fopen() is in fact a pointer to a FILE struct (i.e a FILE*). This FILE struct contains info about the file itself: Have we reached the End Of File mark?, where are we going to read/write with our next instruction?, has there been any error when reading/writing data? This will let us handle our file in any way we want!

If you think about it we are constantly writing to the terminal from our programs using functions like printf() in C and print() in python3. Do you remember opening a file descriptor to be able to write to the terminal? I bet not! This is because our running programs are given 3 default file descriptors: stdout, stdin and stderr. These are connected to the terminal running the program (usually), the keyboard and the terminal as well (usually) respectively. If you have used C you may go ahed and try to call fprintf() and pass stdout as the file descriptor (the first argument). You'll see that you'll be writing to the screen! We can then see how both stdout and stderr are output file descriptors but stdin is used for reading keyboard input. As we are mainly concermed with stdout we won't go into much detail here.

Why do we have two file descriptors "attached" to the terminal you ask? This let's us separate a programs terminal output into 2 classes: normal output and error/debugging output. Even though both would appear in the terminal if we didn't take any further action we can redirect stderr to a file for later inspection which is a common practice. This redicrection is carried out when incoking the program from a terminal. The following command would redirect My_prog.ex's stderr output to a file called I_mesed_up.txt:

./My_prog.ex 2>I_messed_up.txt

Please note that each file descriptors are associated to a given number:

  • stdin: 0
  • stdout: 1
  • stderr: 2

You can even redirect a file descriptor to the place where another is pointing. Take care with the order used to carry out these redirections! The following would redirect stdout to where stderr is pointing:

./My_prog.ex 2>I_messed_up.txt 1>&2

We hope to have shed some light on how file descriptors work, what they are and how to use them!

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