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Firebase Queue

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A fault-tolerant, multi-worker, multi-stage job pipeline built on the Firebase realtime database.

Purpose of a Queue

Queues can be used in your Firebase app to organize workers or perform background work like generating thumbnails of images, filtering message contents and censoring data, or fanning data out to multiple locations in your Firebase database. First, let's define a few terms we'll use when talking about a queue:

  • task - a unit of work that a queue worker can process
  • spec - a definition of an operation that the queue will perform on matching tasks
  • job - one of more spec's that specify a series of ordered operations to be performed
  • worker - an individual process that picks up tasks with a certain spec and processes them

Let's take a look at a simple example to see how this works. Imagine you wanted to build a chat application that does two things:

  1. Sanitize chat message input
  2. Fan data out to multiple rooms and users

Since chat message sanitization can't happen purely on the client side, as that would allow a malicious client to circumvent client side restrictions, you'll have to run this process on a trusted server process.

Using Firebase Queue, you can create specs for each of these tasks, and then use workers to process the individual tasks to complete the job. We'll explore the queue, adding tasks, assigning workers, and creating custom specs to create full jobs, then revisit the example above.

The Queue in Your Firebase Database

The queue relies on having a Firebase database reference to coordinate workers e.g. This queue can be stored at any path in your Firebase database, and you can have multiple queues as well. The queue will respond to tasks pushed onto the tasks subtree and optionally read specifications from a specs subtree.

  - specs
  - tasks

See Custom references to tasks and specs for defining the locations of these other than the default.

Queue Workers

The basic unit of the queue is the queue worker: the process that claims a task, performs the appropriate processing on the data, and either returns the transformed data, or an appropriate error.

You can start a worker process by passing in a Firebase database ref along with a processing function (described below), as follows:

// my_queue_worker.js

var Queue = require('firebase-queue');
var firebase = require('firebase');

  serviceAccount: 'path/to/serviceAccountCredentials.json',
  databaseURL: '<your-database-url>'

var ref = firebase.database().ref('queue');
var queue = new Queue(ref, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) {
  // Read and process task data

  // Do some work

  // Finish the task asynchronously
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 1000);
node my_queue_worker.js

Multiple queue workers can be initialized on multiple machines and Firebase-Queue will ensure that only one worker is processing a single queue task at a time.

Queue Worker Options (Optional)

Queue workers can take an optional options object to specify:

  • specId - specifies the spec type for this worker. This is important when creating multiple specs. Defaults to null which uses the default spec.
  • numWorkers - specifies the number of workers to run simultaneously for this node.js thread. Defaults to 1 worker.
  • sanitize - specifies whether the data object passed to the processing function is sanitized of internal keys reserved for use by the queue. Defaults to true.
  • suppressStack - specifies whether the queue will suppress error stack traces from being placed in the _error_details of the task if it's rejected with an Error.

var options = {
  'specId': 'spec_1',
  'numWorkers': 5,
  'sanitize': false,
  'suppressStack': true
var queue = new Queue(ref, options, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) {

Pushing Tasks Onto the Queue

Using any Firebase client or the REST API, push an object with some data to the tasks subtree of your queue. Queue workers listening on that subtree will automatically pick up and process the new task.

# Using curl in shell
curl -X POST -d '{"foo": "bar"}'


// Using the web JavaScript client
var ref = firebase.database().ref('queue/tasks');
ref.push({'foo': 'bar'});

Starting Tasks in Specific States (Optional)

When using a custom spec, you can pass a _state key in with your object, which will allow a custom spec's worker(s) to pick up your task at a specific spec, rather than starting with the starting spec.

  "foo": "bar",
  "boo": "baz",
  "_state": "spec_n_start"

The Processing Function

The processing function provides the body of the data transformation, and allows for completing tasks successfully or with error conditions, as well as reporting the progress of a task. As this function defines the work that the worker must do, this callback function is required. It should take the following four parameters:


A JavaScript object containing the claimed task's data, and can contain any keys and values with the exception of several reserved keys, which are used for tracking worker progress.

The reserved keys are:

  • _state - The current state of the task. Will always be the task's in_progress_state when passed to the processing function.
  • _state_changed - The timestamp that the task changed into its current state. This will always be the server time when the processing function was called.
  • _owner - A unique ID for the worker and task number combination to ensure only one worker is responsible for the task at any time.
  • _progress - A number between 0 and 100, reset at the start of each task to 0.
  • _error_details - An object containing the error details from a previous task execution. If present, it may contain a previous_state string (or null if there was no previous state, in the case of malformed input) capturing the state the task was in when it errored, an error string from the reject() callback of the previous task, and an attempts field containing the number of retries attempted before failing a task. If the suppressStack queue option is not set to true, there may also be a error_stack field containg a stack dump of any error passed into the reject() function.
  • _id - The Firebase key of the task.

By default the data is sanitized of these keys, but you can disable this behavior by setting 'sanitize': false in the queue options.


A callback function for reporting the progress of the task. progress() takes a single parameter that must be a number between 0 and 100, and returns a RSVP.Promise that's fulfilled when successfully updated. If this promise is rejected, it's likely that the task is no longer owned by this process (perhaps it has timed out or the task specification has changed) or the worker has lost its connection to Firebase.

By catching when this call fails and cancelling the current task early, the worker can minimize the extra work it does and return to processing new queue tasks sooner:

var queue = new Queue(ref, options, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) {
  function stopProcessing() {
  // report current progress
  progress(currentProgress).catch(function(errorMessage) {
    // we've lost the current task, so stop processing

    // and reject the task so that we can pick up new tasks


A callback function for reporting that the current task has been completed and the worker is ready to process another task. Any plain JavaScript object passed into the resolve() function will be written to the tasks location and will be available to the next task if the tasks are chained. When a task is resolved, the _progress field is updated to 100 and the _state is replaced with either the _new_state key of the object passed in, or the finished_state of the task spec. If the task does not have a finished_state or the _new_state key is set to false, the task will be removed from the queue.


A callback function for reporting that the current task failed and the worker is ready to process another task. Once this is called, the task will go into the error_state for the job with an additional _error_details object containing a previous_state key referencing this task's in_progress_state. If a string is passed into the reject() function, the _error_details will also contain an error key containing that string. If an Error is passed into the reject() function, the error key will contain the error.message, and if suppressStack option has not been specified the error_stack key will contain the error.stack. Note that if retries are enabled and there are remaining attempts, the task will be restarted in it's spec's start_state.

Queue Security

Securing your queue is an important step in securely processing events that come in. Below is a sample set of security rules that can be tailored to your particular use case.

In this example, there are three categories of users, represented using fields of a Database Auth Variable Override:

  • auth.canAddTasks: Users who can add tasks to the queue (could be an authenticated client or a secure server)
  • auth.canProcessTasks: Users who can process tasks (usually on a secure server)
  • auth.canAddSpecs: Users who can create and view task specifications (usually on a secure server)

These don't have to use a custom token, for instance you could use auth != null in place of auth.canAddTasks if application's users can write directly to the queue. Similarly, auth.canProcessTasks and auth.canAddSpecs could be auth.admin === true if a single trusted server process was used to perform all queue functions.

  "rules": {
    "queue": {
      "tasks": {
        ".read": "auth.canProcessTasks",
        ".write": "auth.canAddTasks || auth.canProcessTasks",
        ".indexOn": "_state",
        "$taskId": {
          ".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['property_1', ..., 'property_n'])
                        || (auth.canProcessTasks
                        && newData.hasChildren(['_state', '_state_changed', '_progress']))",
          "_state": {
            ".validate": "newData.isString()"
          "_state_changed": {
            ".validate": "newData.isNumber() && (newData.val() === now
                          || data.val() === newData.val())"
          "_owner": {
            ".validate": "newData.isString()"
          "_progress": {
            ".validate": "newData.isNumber()
                          && newData.val() >= 0
                          && newData.val() <= 100"
          "_error_details": {
              "error": {
                ".validate": "newData.isString()"
              "error_stack": {
                ".validate": "newData.isString()"
              "previous_state": {
                ".validate": "newData.isString()"
              "original_task": {
                /* This space intentionally left blank, for malformed tasks */
              "attempts": {
                ".validate": "newData.isNumber() && newData.val() > 0"
              "$other": {
                ".validate": false
          "_id": {
            ".validate": "newData.isString()"
          "property_1": {
            ".validate": "/* Insert custom data validation code here */"
          "property_n": {
            ".validate": "/* Insert custom data validation code here */"
      "specs" : {
        ".read": "auth.canAddSpecs || auth.canProcessTasks",
        ".write": "auth.canAddSpecs",
        "$specId": {
          ".validate": "newData.hasChild('in_progress_state')",
          "start_state": {
            ".validate": "newData.isString()"
          "in_progress_state": {
            ".validate": "newData.isString()"
          "finished_state": {
            ".validate": "newData.isString()"
          "error_state": {
            ".validate": "newData.isString()"
          "timeout": {
            ".validate": "newData.isNumber() && newData.val() > 0"
          "$other": {
            ".validate": false

Defining Specs (Optional)

Default Spec

A default spec configuration is assumed if no specs are specified in the specs subtree of the queue. The default spec has the following characteristics:

  "default_spec": {
    "start_state": null,
    "in_progress_state": "in_progress",
    "finished_state": null,
    "error_state": "error",
    "timeout": 300000, // 5 minutes
    "retries": 0 // don't retry
  • start_state - The default spec has no start_state, which means any task pushed into the tasks subtree without a _state key will be picked up by default spec workers. If start_state is specified, only tasks with that _state may be claimed by the worker.
  • in_progress_state - When a worker picks up a task and begins processing it, it will change the tasks's _state to the value of in_progress_state. This is the only required spec property, and it cannot equal the start_state, finished_state, or error_state.
  • finished_state - The default spec has no finished_state so the worker will remove tasks from the queue upon successful completion. If finished_state is specified, then the task's _state value will be updated to the finished_state upon task completion. Setting this value to another spec's start_state is useful for chaining tasks together to create a job. It's possible to override the finished_state on a per-task basis by setting the _new_state key of the object passed into resolve() to a string to set the _state explicitly, null to remove the _state so it gets picked up by any spec without a start_state, or false to remove the task from the queue.
  • error_state - If the task gets rejected the _state will be updated to this value and an additional key _error_details will be populated with the previous_state and an optional error message from the reject() callback. If this isn't specified, it defaults to "error". This can be useful for specifying different error states for different tasks, or chaining errors so that they can be logged.
  • timeout - The default timeout is 5 minutes. When a task has been claimed by a worker but has not completed within timeout milliseconds, the queue will report that task as timed out, and reset that task to be claimable once again. If this is not specified, a task claimed by a worker could be orphaned and left in an unclaimable state if the worker processing it dies before the task is resolved or rejected.
  • retries - The default spec doesn't retry failed tasks. When a task fails, if there are any remaining attempts, the queue will restart the task by setting the task's _state to its spec's start_state.

Creating Jobs using Custom Specs and Task Chaining

In order to use a job specification other than the default, the specification must be defined in the Firebase under the specs subtree. This allows us to coordinate job specification changes between workers and enforce expected behavior with Firebase security rules.

In this example, we're chaining three specs to make a job. New tasks pushed onto the queue without a _state key will be picked up by "spec_1" and go into the spec_1_in_progress state. Once "spec_1" completes and the task goes into the spec_1_finished state, "spec_2" takes over and puts it into the spec_2_in_progress state. Again, once "spec_2" completes and the task goes into the spec_2_finished state, "spec_3" takes over and puts it into the spec_3_in_progress state. Finally, "spec_3" removes it once complete. If, during any stage in the process there's an error, the task will end up in an "error" state.

  - specs
  "spec_1": {
    "in_progress_state": "spec_1_in_progress",
    "finished_state": "spec_1_finished",
    "timeout": 5000
  "spec_2": {
    "start_state": "spec_1_finished",
    "in_progress_state": "spec_2_in_progress",
    "finished_state": "spec_2_finished",
    "timeout" : 20000
  "spec_3": {
    "start_state": "spec_2_finished",
    "in_progress_state": "spec_3_in_progress",
    "timeout": 3000

Graceful Shutdown

Once initialized, a queue can be gracefully shutdown by calling its shutdown() function. This prevents workers from claiming new tasks, removes all Firebase listeners, and waits until all the current tasks have been completed before resolving the RSVP.Promise returned by the function.

By intercepting for the SIGINT termination signal like this, you can ensure the queue shuts down gracefully so you don't have to rely on the jobs timing out and being picked up by another worker:

var queue = new Queue(ref, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) {

process.on('SIGINT', function() {
  console.log('Starting queue shutdown');
  queue.shutdown().then(function() {
    console.log('Finished queue shutdown');

Message Sanitization, Revisited

In our example at the beginning, you wanted to perform several actions on your chat system:

  1. Sanitize chat message input
  2. Fan data out to multiple rooms and users

Together, these two actions form a job, and you can use custom specs, as shown above, to define the flow of tasks in this job. When you start, your Firebase should look like this:

  - queue
    - specs
      - sanitize_message
        - in_progress_state: "sanitize_message_in_progress"
        - finished_state: "sanitize_message_finished"
      - fanout_message
        - start_state: "sanitize_message_finished"
        - in_progress_state: "fanout_message_in_progress"
        - error_state: "fanout_message_failed"
        - retries: 3
    - tasks
      /* null, no data */

Let's imagine that you have some front end that allows your users to write their name and a message, and send that to your queue as it's data. Let's assume your user writes something like the following:

// Using the web JavaScript client
var tasksRef = firebase.database().ref('queue/tasks');
  'message': 'Hello Firebase Queue Users!',
  'name': 'Chris'

Your Firebase database should now look like this:

  - queue
    - specs
      /* same as above */
    - tasks
      - $taskId
        - message: "Hello Firebase Queue Users!"
        - name: "Chris"

When your users push data like the above into the tasks subtree, tasks will initially start in the sanitize_message spec because the task has no start_state. The associated queue can be specified using the following processing function:

// chat_message_sanitization.js

var Queue = require('firebase-queue');
var firebase = require('firebase');

  serviceAccount: 'path/to/serviceAccountCredentials.json',
  databaseURL: '<your-database-url>'

var db = firebase.database();
var queueRef = db.ref('queue');
var messagesRef = db.ref('messages');

var options = {
  'specId': 'sanitize_message'
var sanitizeQueue = new Queue(queueRef, options, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) {
  // sanitize input message
  data.message = sanitize(data.message);

  // pass sanitized message and username along to be fanned out


The queue worker will take this task, begin to process it, and update the reserved keys of the task:

  - queue
    - specs
      /* same as above */
    - tasks
      - $taskId
        - _owner: $workerUid
        - _progress: 0
        - _state: "sanitize_message_in_progress"
        - _state_changed: 1431475215737
        - _id: $taskId
        - message: "Hello Firebase Queue Users!"
        - name: "Chris"

Once the message is sanitized, it will be resolved and both the reserved keys and the data will be updated in the task (imagine for a minute that queue is a blacklisted word):

  - queue
    - specs
      /* same as above */
    - tasks
      - $taskId
        - _owner: null
        - _progress: 100
        - _state: "sanitize_message_finished"
        - _state_changed: 1431475215918
        - _id: $taskId
        - message: "Hello Firebase ***** Users!"
        - name: "Chris"

Now, you want to fan the data out to the messages subtree of your Firebase database, using the spec, fanout_message, so you can set up a second processing function to find tasks whose _state is sanitize_message_finished:


var options = {
  'specId': 'fanout_message',
  'numWorkers': 5
var fanoutQueue = new Queue(queueRef, options, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) {
  // fan data out to /messages; ensure that errors are caught and cause the task to fail
  messagesRef.push(data, function(error){
    if (error) {
    } else {

Since there is no finished_state in the fanout_message spec, the task will be purged from the queue after the data is fanned out to the messages node. If the push fails for some reason, the task will fail and retry, a maximum of three times (as specified in our spec).

While this example is a little contrived since you could perform the sanitization and fanout in a single task, creating multiple specs for our tasks allows us to do things like add selective retries to certain tasks more likely to fail, put additional workers on more expensive tasks, or add expressive error states.

Custom references to tasks and specs

It is possible to specify the locations the queue uses for tasks and the specs explicitly instead of using the defaults. To do this, simply pass an object to the Queue constructor in place of the Firebase reference; this object must contain the keys tasksRef and specsRef, and each value must be a Firebase reference.

var Queue = require('firebase-queue');
var firebase = require('firebase');

  serviceAccount: 'path/to/serviceAccountCredentials.json',
  databaseURL: '<your-database-url>'

var db = firebase.database();

var jobsRef = db.ref('jobs');
var specsRef = db.ref('specs');

var queue = new Queue({ tasksRef: jobsRef, specsRef: specsRef }, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) {
  // process task

Wrap Up

As you can see, Firebase Queue is a powerful tool that allows you to securely and robustly perform background work on your Firebase data, from sanitization to data fanout and more. We'd love to hear about how you're using Firebase-Queue in your project! Let us know on Twitter, Facebook, or G+. If you have any questions, please direct them to our Google Group or [email protected].

Running the Tests

To run the tests you first need to create a Firebase Realtime Database to test against in the Firebase console, and create a service account for that project. The service account should have Editor permission on the project, and you'll need to furnish the account with JSON credentials. See the documentation for detailed instructions on creating service accounts.

Once you have created and downloaded the service account credentials, place them in a key.json file at the root of this repository (you should never check this file in, it should be ignored by a rule in the .gitignore file).

Then, to run the tests, simply run these commands:

npm test

Where databaseName is the name of the Firebase Realtime Database you created for testing.


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