This is a simple Web application that helps in the running and management of a library. It allows a user to do the following tasks.
- Signup / login.
- View all available books.
- Borrow any available book.
- Track the status of a book.
- Borrowed.
- Available.
- Manage and keep inventory of books through.
- Adding of new books.
- Deleting of books.
- Managing the borrowing of books through;
- Issuing fines to members that haven't returned books past their due date.
- Receiving of borrowed books.
You will be required to install virtualenv.
$ pip install virtualenv
Then create you own virtual env within the project repository.
$ virtualenv [name]
Once created use the following command to get your virtual environment to run.
$ path to dir\[virtual environment name]\Scripts\activate
Do the same for killing the virtual environment.
$ path to dir\[virtual environment name]\Scripts\deactivate
Once running you should have the following view on the command line.
$ (virtual environment name) path to dir\
Once done install the desired application dependancies listed below.
The following is a list of required libraries that need to be installed so as to run the application successfully.
$ pip install [package name]
- Flask==0.11.1
- Flask-Bootstrap==
- Flask-Script==2.0.5
- Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.1
- Flask-WTF==0.13.1
- imageio==1.6
- itsdangerous==0.24
- Jinja2==2.8
- MarkupSafe==0.23
- passlib==1.6.5
- SQLAlchemy==1.1.1
- Werkzeug==0.11.11
- WTForms==2.1
Finally once done, key in the following command to launch the application.
$ (virtual environment name) path to dir\python
Open the link displayed to view the application.