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Commit message guid

Oleksandra korel Kalinina edited this page Sep 19, 2019 · 1 revision

To have commit story easy to understand, informative and trace commit with related Jira issue the following commit message pattern is used.

[issue-type]([JIRA-ticket-number]): [keywords] [jira-smart-commit-command]

Possible values:

1. [issue-type]:

  • feat - new functionality of app
  • fix - fix of existing functionality
  • chore - routine task for productivity improvement such as refactoring, doc creation, deploy update, which is not linked to the actual feature

2. [JIRA-ticket-number]:

  • DS - project code.
  • ### - numeric, related ticket number in JIRA.

3. [keywords]:

Short explanation of the task for your сolleagues.

4. [jira-smart-commit-command]:

To automate routine work such as Jira issue workflow transition or adding a comment, all team members need to use Jira smart commit syntax. NOTE: Please make sure that GitHub commit is signed with the email address you have signed in Jira.


Adds a comment to a JIRA Software issue.

Syntax: <ignored text> ISSUE_KEY <ignored text> #comment <comment_string>

Example: JRA-34 #comment corrected indent

Workflow transitions:

Transitions a JIRA Software issue to a particular workflow state.

Syntax: <ignored text> ISSUE_KEY <ignored text> #<transition-name> <comment_string>

Example: JRA-090 #close Fixed this today