Task Overview | Installation Instructions | Link to Module 1 | JP Morgan Chase & Co Software Engineering Virtual Experience
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Interface with a stock price data feed and set up your system for analysis of the data
Aim: We want to process the data feed of stock A and stock B’s price to enable us to analyse when trading for the stock should occur.
- Please clone this repository to start the tasks
- Adjust the getRatio, getDataPoint and main functions
- Bonus: Pass all unit tests and add more to cover edge cases
- Upload a git patch file as the submission to this task
In order to get the server and client application code working on your machine, follow the setup here
Note:This is the Python 3 version of the JPM 1 exercise. The Python 2.7 version is in this other repo
To start the server, runpython server3.py
This will create random market called 'test.csv' in your working directory if one does not already exist.
If you encounter an issue with datautil.parser
, run this command:
pip install python-dateutil
If you don't have pip yet, you can install it from: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/
To start the example client, Run:
python client3.py
To unit test the example client, run: python client_test.py
Query :$ curl 'http://localhost:8080/query?id=1'
{"id": "1", "top_ask": {"price": 129.18, "size": 70}, "timestamp": "2016-08-06 12:32:11.821574", "top_bid": {"price": 128.79, "size": 61}}
To make the changes necessary to complete the objectives of this task, follow this guide.
To do the bonus task, read this.
A patch file is what is required from you to submit. To create a patch file, follow this guide. Then submit the patch file in the JPM Module 1 Page.
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