A command line tool that prints the expanded AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) of a dart file.
The above image was created using ast <path> > output.txt
, then
opening output.txt in Sublime Text and adding Dart syntax highlighting.
First, activate the package with pub global
pub global activate astprinter
You must manually add the pub cache bin directory to your PATH. Pub will warn you if you haven't already.
To print the AST in the console, run ast <"absolutePathToDartFile"> <Type(OPTIONAL)> <-n(OPTIONAL)>
ast "C:\Path\web\main.dart" Declaration
The optional argument Type
will print all AST nodes that are subtypes of Type
Multiple types can be entered as arguments.
To print Types without their subtypes append -n.
For example
ast "C:\Path\web\main.dart" Token
will print all tokens, including StringToken
, BeginToken
, KeywordToken
and Token
. However,
ast "C:\Path\web\main.dart" Token -n
will only print Token
nodes, such as @
, =
, ;
Please file feature requests and bugs on GitHub.