Joel Loo Tiffany Trinh German Flores
Our application, Infusic, aligns with our studio brief because we are re-designing how music is presented to our users. We want our user base to be able to search for the right song in the most efficient way possible -- that is, through the integration of multiple streaming platforms into one space, as well as through user collaboration. By using Infusic, users will have an easier time choosing music and creating cohesive playlists with the features provided.
The following required functionality is completed:
- User must enter text field before logging in
- User can login with facebook
- Interface displays all necessary information in home page minimalistic design
- Party mode pagesimplifies the approval/denial process
- Search bar is able to parse through albums
- Can play songs using the media bar
- Can skip songs using buttons on media bar.
- Displays the image of the album covers
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
GIF created with LiceCap.