#Client sample - ViewSaveAnimate
This sample is retired, it is not maintained any more. Please refer to the extension samples
This sample is part of the Developer-Autodesk/Autodesk-View-and-Data-API-Samples repository.
This sample shows how you can save/restore views in the viewer and then replay them in a loop in specified order. The webpage is using a jQuery UI sortable component to store the views which are saved by user. It enables you to
- Drag&drop to sort the saved view buttons
- Drag buttons off the toolbar to remove them
- Switch to any saved view
- Animate the saved views
- "S": saves the current view. You can also press "S" on the keyboard to do the same
- "A": animates the stored views. It will start on the first view in the toolbar and keep switching to the next stored view until the last one is reached.
- "1".."n": the stored views
You need other workflow samples to log in, upload a file, start translation to get required parameters.
##Setup/Usage Instructions
It requires the user to pass in a valid access token and urn of the file they want to use as a URL parameter:
- ViewSaveAnimate.html?accessToken=<access token>&urn=<urn of the file to view>
- e.g.: ViewSaveAnimate.html?accessToken=ljvWwXkzF3zxCVfLUZhP1Q8Qk66S&urn=dXJuOmFkc2sub2JqZWN0czpvcy5vYmplY3Q6bXl0ZXN0YnVja2V0L2NoYXNzaXMuZHdm
You can use e.g. the https://github.com/Developer-Autodesk/workflow-wpf-view.and.data.api sample to log in, upload a file, start translation and then invoke this html page with the required parameters.
The html page has two parameters you can adjust:
- MyClass.kInBetweenSteps: this sets how many extra steps are added in between the stored views when animating, to make it smoother
- MyClass.kMilliSecondsBetweenSteps: the time in milliseconds that we'll wait before switching from one saved view to the next when animating
This sample is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.
##Written by
Adam Nagy