on testnet: escrow.antioquia.testnet
on testnet: lottery.antioquia.testnet
on testnet: donation.antioquia.testnet
compile the smart contract
env 'RUSTFLAGS=-C link-arg=-s'
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
install the NEAR CLI
npm i near-cli
log in; your account will be created in /home/{user123}/.near-credentials/{testnet|mainnet}/
near login
deploy a contract, with the escrow contract as an example:
# (1)
near deploy --wasmFile target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/antioquia_escrow.wasm --accountId antioquia.testnet
# (2) or, from a different account
near deploy --wasmFile target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/antioquia_escrow.wasm --accountId escrow.antioquia.testnet
# (3) or, from a dev account which will be created in the current directory
near dev-deploy --wasmFile target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/antioquia_escrow.wasm
# (4) deploy and call the 'init' method (special method) at once
near deploy --wasmFile out/example.wasm --accountId example-contract.testnet --initFunction new --initArgs '{"owner_id": "example-contract.testnet", "total_supply": "10000000"}'
alternatively, build and deployt it by script
call a method
near call <CONTRACT_ID> <METHOD1> '{"arg1": "val1", "arg2" : 666}' --accountId <ACCOUNT_ID>
# for example
# create a new escrow
# notice '--amount <....>' parameter
# which means that some $coins are being sent to the contract
near call escrow.antioquia.testnet new '{"escrow_id": "1aa", "funder_id": "11", "beneficiary_id": "22", "agreed_amount": 555}' --amount 0.000000000000000000000010 --accountId antioquia.testnet
# set fees (you must be the owner/admin)
near call escrow.antioquia.testnet set_base_fee_percentage '{"new_fee": 3}' --accountId escrow.antioquia.testnet
call a view method
near view escrow.antioquia.testnet get_base_fee_percentage --accountId antioquia.testnet