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Two Level Menu

Yaron Weiss edited this page Aug 9, 2018 · 1 revision

Two Level Menu makes better user experience to naviagte menus and get the user faster to the action

It is limited to Top Menu and Sub Menu so in two steps a user can get to the area needed, avoiding nested menus or Ribbons with many buttons It also show a text per item, highlight the Top and Sub Menu item

  • The First Top Menu item is selected automatically
  • The first Sub Menu item is selected autoamtically
  • If there is only one sub menu item, Then only the top menu will be visible
  • When page is loaded for the first time there will be LoadingPage with spinner
  • The pages are being cached, so user can changes page and come back to the same status
  • It is possible to remove all pages from cache - this is needed when solution is changing for example, which will cause new pages to be loaded


  • Getting started
  • Workstation
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