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Patrick McCarthy edited this page Mar 20, 2022 · 1 revision

How to Use Textures

  1. Import a texture
  2. Add an UpdateSubresources action
    • Requires a CmdList, so must be after the ResetCommandList action
  3. Add two SetResourceBarrier actions
    • CopyDest --> PixelShader
    • [Drawing]
    • PixelShader --> CopyDest
  4. Update Shader(s) to read the texture
  5. Update Root Signature
  6. Update PSO
  7. Add SetDescriptorHeaps
  8. Add SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable

How to Use Meshes / Models

  1. Import/Generate a mesh
  2. Add CopyDataToResource action
    • Doesn't require a CmdList, so could be anywhere
  3. Add IASetVertexBuffers action
    • Vertex Buffer must be set correctly
  4. Add DrawInstanced action
    • Vertex Count Per Insance must be set correctly
  5. Update shader structs with any new input layout
  6. Update PSO with any new input layout
  7. Ensure the triangle winding is correct in the PSO
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