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Momo edited this page Nov 3, 2017 · 29 revisions

Warning: This list is probably severely outdated.

List of features

  • Items
    • Tile entities
    • Blocks
    • Block state
    • Food
    • Tools and durability
    • Custom items and blocks
  • Commands
    • Default Bukkit commands improved
    • New commands
      • /color
      • /summon
      • /teleport
      • /tellraw
      • /title
  • Achievements and statistics (incomplete)
  • Dispensers and incomplete dropper
  • Entities
    • General entity storage and display
      • Passive mobs
      • Monsters
    • Basic entity AI (look)
    • Entity passive spawn on chunk generation
    • Entity death (with drops)
    • Entity physics
  • Generator
    • Biome grid
    • Decorators
    • Structures
    • Objects
      • Trees
    • Nether, overworld and superflat support
    • Incomplete End support
    • Noise
      • Simplex
      • Perlin
  • Inventory
    • Item drops
    • Crafting
      • Brewing
      • Anvil
      • Crafting
        • Banners
        • Fireworks
        • Dyes
      • Enchanting
    • Chests
      • Normal
      • Double
      • Ender
    • Spawn eggs
    • Skulls
    • Horse inventory
    • Player inventory
    • Click/drag logic
    • Basic offhand support
    • Partial map support
  • IO
    • Anvil
    • Mojangson
    • NBT
  • Scoreboard
  • Player data
    • Op
    • Bans
    • Whitelist
    • UUID
    • Universal skin support
    • Skin flags and main hand support
  • Metrics
  • Library management
  • Configuration
  • Incomplete 1.8 text message support
  • Game rules
  • Server icon
  • Effects
    • Particles
    • Sounds
    • Other effects