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Implementing an Entity

Momo edited this page Jan 27, 2018 · 2 revisions

Implementing an Entity

You can find most of the information required to implement entities on wikis such as and the Minecraft Wiki.

Note: In general, you should wait for the API to have been updated with the interface for the new entity before proceeding with the implementation.

Class Implementation

The first part consists in making a class for the new entity type. The naming convention is Glow<Entity Type>: for example, GlowLemur. The class should be located in one of the subpackages under net.glowstone.entity.

The class should extend the implementation of its parent and implement the entity's Bukkit interface:

public class GlowLemur extends GlowLivingEntity implements Lemur {

The class is required to have at least one constructor with the Location parameter only. This constructor must call the parent's constructor passing the location, the EntityType enum field and the entity's default maximum health:

public GlowLemur(Location location) {
    super(location, EntityType.LEMUR, 5);
    // Other defaults here

Finally, implement the required methods from the API interface.


Most of the time, the only changes to the networking will be to update the Entity Metadata fields. These fields are initialized in the MetadataIndex enum.

You can find the definition of these fields on's Entities page. The naming convention for the enum is generally the entity's type name, followed by a descriptive title for the field. If the description or function of a field is not yet known, use UNKNOWN for the field title. Make sure you use the correct field index as well (they are sequential in their hierarchy, meaning that the first index of the entity follows the last of it's parent).

When certain data is stored for an entity, it is preferable to keep the values inside of the entity's metadata map instead of having a separate field for it:

public void setEyeColor(DyeColor color) {
    metadata.set(MetadataIndex.LEMUR_EYE_COLOR, color.getDyeData());

public DyeColor getEyeColor() {
    return DyeColor.getByDyeData(metadata.getByte(MetadataIndex.LEMUR_EYE_COLOR));

World Storage

You will need to find the following information on the wikis:

  • The entity's storage ID (found on the entity's infobox under Entity ID, on the Minecraft Wiki).
    • For example, the storage ID for Ender Dragon is ender_dragon.
  • Documentation about the entity's NBT fields. This information is usually located in the entity's Data Values section on the Minecraft Wiki page about the entity.

The first step is to create the entity's store class. The "store" is used to serialize and deserialize the entity to/from NBT. The class should be a subclass of EntityStore and be located in the package. The class should extend the entity parent's store class. The naming convention is <Entity Type>Store: for example, LemurStore.

class LemurStore extends LivingEntityStore<GlowLemur> {

Create a constructor passing the entity's implementation class and EntityType enum to the super-constructor.

Then, override the createEntity(Location, CompoundTag), load(GlowLemur, CompoundTag), and save(GlowLemur, CompoundTag)methods. The save and load methods should call the parent method (using super.[...]) before anything else.

public GlowLemur createEntity(Location location, CompoundTag compound) {
    return new GlowLemur(location);

public void load(GlowLemur entity, CompoundTag tag) {
    super.load(entity, tag);

public void save(GlowLemur entity, CompoundTag tag) {, tag);

With the Data Values documentation in hand (or in another tab), you can start implementing the storage fields by using the tag.getX methods in the load method, and tag.putX methods in the save method. More info can be found in the Manipulating NBT page.

Additional Information

  • You need to set the entity's bounding box ("hitbox") size on's Entities page. Use these values (XZ and Y) in the constructor, as such:
    public GlowLemur(Location location) {
        super(location, EntityType.LEMUR, 5);
        setSize(0.4F, 0.8F); // set the bounding box

Registering the Entity

Now that you have your implementation class created, you will need to register the relevant classes in Glowstone's registries.

  1. Register the entity in the EntityRegistry class. This registry is used to convert entity interfaces into their implementation. By convention, this should be done in alphabetical order.

  2. Register the entity's NBT store in EntityStorage class, in the static {} block. This is done by calling the bind(...) method with an instance of the store class as the parameter. By convention, the bindings are grouped in entity categories (passive/hostile/objects/etc.)