Compare the precise solution of Travelling salesman's problem and the solution which uses the minimum spanning tree.
- Generate normal distribution of points using Box-Muller transform.
- Find the way using MST.
- Find the shortest way with recursive algorithm.
- Compare the ways' lengths
n is number of towns(vertices in the graph).
The first column is the ratio of the shortest path length to the one found using MST.
The second number is standard deviation.
n = 4 : 1 (0)
n = 5 : 0.961545 (0.0503306)
n = 6 : 0.90562 (0.0683352)
n = 7 : 0.910749 (0.0545197)
n = 8 : 0.858915 (0.018681)
n = 9 : 0.889024 (0.0506872)
n = 10 : 0.842636 (0.0481151)