This project is a JAVA library which allows you to consume the Twitter API.
/!\ Development in progress... Any feedback is welcome :) /!\
In your pom.xml, add the following dependency and replace VERSION
with the version you wish:
In order to use your own developer credentials, you have several options :
File example :
"apiKey": "xxx",
"apiSecretKey": "xxx",
"accessToken": "xxx",
"accessTokenSecret": "xxx"
Pass through java argument your file path like -Dtwitter.credentials.file.path=/your/path/to/json
Then instantiate the client like
TwitterClient client = new TwitterClient();
TwitterClient twitterClient = new TwitterClient(TwitterClient.OBJECT_MAPPER
.readValue(new File("/your/path/to/json"), TwitterCredentials.class));
TwitterClient twitterClient = new TwitterClient(TwitterCredentials.builder()
NB : Your twitter credentials can be found in your twitter app page in the Key and tokens page.
See :
See :
If you want to contribute to the project, don't hesitate to submit pull requests. To add a new feature :
- Create the interface method in the related interface (e.g
- If needed, add the endpoint URL in
- Implement your method in the child class (e.g
- Don't forget to add your unit tests in
Code style is also available in .idea/codeStyles/GoogleStyle.xml