The new Grinnell Events App created by the Android Development Team @ AppDev.
- Abyaya Lamsal
- Zoe Grubbs
- Pratik Karki
- Dev Nalwa
- Anaan Ramay (UI/UX Design)
- Reina Shahi (UI/UX Design)
Here are some screenshots from our latest demo:
- Ability to Login with Grinnell Email and retain preferences.
- Upload events with these fields of data:
- Location: Building and Room number (linked on Map)
- Name and email of submitter
- Email of organizing authority
- Bried description of event
- Users can edit favorites.
- Add events to the users' calendars.
- Implement CardView Layout for individual events.
- Tutorial for first-time users (using sharedPreferences).
- Push to Google Play Store via Grinnell ITS.