Decorators for HapiJS routes. Heavily inspired and borrowed from
Great to mix with
npm install --save hapi-decorators
import {
} from 'hapi-decorators'
import Hapi from 'hapi'
const server = new Hapi.Server()
host: 'localhost',
port: 3000
// Define your endpoint controller
class TestController {
constructor(target) { = target
sayHello(request, reply) {
reply({ message: `hello, ${}` })
// InitializeController
let test = new TestController('world')
// Add Test Controller routes to server
// Start the server
server.start((err) => {
if (err) throw err
console.log(`Server running at: ${}`)
Run the above script with the following command, after installing babel.
babel-node --optional es7.decorators,es7.objectRestSpread index.js
Note: Decorators are currently unsupported in Babel 6. To work around that issue use the transform-decorators-legacy plugin. See this post for detailed instructions.
REQUIRED This decorator is required at the class level, since it processes the other decorators, and adds
the instance.routes()
function, which returns the routes that can be used with Hapi, e.g. server.routes(users.routes())
This decorator should be attached to a method of a class, e.g.
class Users {
@route('post', '/')
newUser(request, reply) {
Helper Decorators
These are shortcuts for @route(method, path)
where @get('/revoke')
would be @route('get', '/revoke')
Overall configuration setting if none of the other decorators are sufficient.
Add a validation object for the different types, except for the response.
is an object, with keys for the different types, e.g. payload
Cache settings for the route config object.
Set prerequisite middleware array for a given route. Expects an array, but if passed something else, it will put it into the pre array.