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ROS Basic Tutorials

Linux-ROS Commands

  • roscd - To switch to the main ros directory
  • roscd [package_name] - To switch to the specific package inside the ros directory
  • roscore - To run the main ros server
  • rosnode list - To check the list of nodes that are running
  • rostopic list - To check the list of topics that are running
  • rosnode info [node_name] - To check all the details about the selected node
  • rostopic info [topic_name] - To check all the details about the selected topic
  • rosmsg show [msg_name] - To check all the details about the particular message that is being sent via topics
  • rosservice list - To check the list of services that are running on
  • rosservice info [service_name] - To check all the details about the service that is selected
  • rossrv info [service_name] - To check all the details about the service that is selected
  • rosservice call [service_name] [arguments] - To call the particular service on a running node
  • roslaunch [package_name] [launch_file_name] - We can add all the nodes that we need to run in a launch file and run the launch file instead of single nodes.
  • rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node _pixel_format:=yuyv - To run the webcam in our laptop for ros related processes
  • rosrun image_view image_view image:=/usb_cam/image_raw - To open the image view tool to access our webcam window and to see the output

ROS basic commands and CMake lists commands

Create a catkin package :

  •  catkin_create_pkg <package_name> [depend1] [depend2] [depend3] 

Making the Python file executable in cmakelists example :

  •  catkin_install_python(PROGRAMS src/pub_sub_basics/

Custom message adding in cmake lists example :

  •   Generate messages in the 'msg' folder
  • /Add "message_runtime" in catkin packages

Custom service adding in cmake lists example :

  •  add_service_files(
  • /Check for message generation and message runtime in package.xml then add the service in srv folder

Launch file syntax example :

  •  <launch>
     <node name="turtlesim_node" pkg="turtlesim" type="turtlesim_node" output="screen"/>
     <node name="turtlesim_cleaner" pkg="beginer_tutorials" type="" output="screen"/>

OpenCV with ROS:

  • /Install opencv and other tools.

  •  sudo apt-get install ros-${distro_name}-opencv3
  •  sudo apt-get install ros-${distro_name}-usb-cam
  •  sudo apt-get install ros-${distro_name}-image-view
  • /Now all the ros-opencv programs will be able to run without errors

  • /See linux commands to run usb cam and image view


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