R Shiny app as a handy inteface to ggplot2. It enables you to quickly explore your data to detect trends on the fly. You can do scatter plots, dotplots, boxplots, histograms and densities.
- [read.csv("youruploadeddata.csv",na.strings = c("NA","."))]
- Change continuous variable to be treated as categorical
- Change continuous variable to categories with a specified number of bins or by supplying values for the bins start/end
- Up to six sequential filters for categorical and continuous variables
- Renaming and reordering of the levels of a categorical variable
- Combining two categorical variables into one
- Rounding a numerical variable to a specified number of digits
- Quantile Regression
- Smooth/Linear/Logistic Regressions
- Mean Confidence Intervals
- Median Prediction Intervals
- Kaplan-Meier
and facet_wrap
- Group, color, size, fill mappings
- Controlling y and x axis labels, legends and other commonly used theme options.
shiny::runGitHub('ggplotyourdata', 'HBGDki', subdir = 'shinyapp')