This project represents the server-side code for a QR-Code-based menu system. The server is built using Node.js and utilizes various libraries for functionality.
- certificates: Stores SSL certificate files for securing the server.
- controllers: Contains controller functions for handling different routes.
- middlewares: Contains middleware functions for route authentication and authorization.
- models: Contains MongoDB schema models for data storage.
- routes: Contains route handlers for admin and user functionalities.
- service: Contains service functions for interacting with the database.
- .env: Environment variables configuration.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd qr-menu-node
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Add .env:
- Start the Node.js server:
npm start
- The server should be running on the specified port (default is 8080).
If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature:
git checkout -b feature-name
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin feature-name
- Submit a pull request.
- bcrypt: Library for hashing passwords.
- cookie-parser: Middleware for parsing cookies in the server.
- cors: Middleware for enabling CORS in the server.
- dotenv: Loads environment variables from a .env file.
- express: Web application framework for Node.js.
- fs: File system module for handling file operations.
- https: Module for creating HTTPS servers.
- jsonwebtoken: Library for JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication.
- mongoose: MongoDB object modeling for Node.js.
- nodemailer: Module for sending emails.
- uuid: Library for generating and working with UUIDs.
- nodemon: A tool that helps in the development of Node.js-based applications by automatically restarting the server.
Make sure to include these dependencies in your project.