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Implementation of Quine-McCluskey and Petrick Methods in Modular Mojo

The Quine-McCluskey method is an exact algorithm used for Boolean function simplification. While traditionally applied in digital circuit design and optimization, I would like to use it for optimizing software. This method takes a set of minterms representing a Boolean function and systematically combines them to identify things called prime implicants. Through grouping terms with similar binary representations, the algorithm constructs a table, in which we can identify essential prime implicants. The outcome is a minimal sum-of-products (SOP) expression, representing a simplified form of the given Boolean function.

Petrick's method, another exact technique used in digital circuit design, is used for solving cyclic covering problems. It constructs a matrix based on the prime implicants derived from the Quine-McCluskey method and subsequently applying a process to identify the minimal cover. This minimal cover represents the smallest form of the given Boolean function.

The logic in a programming language can be described as a Boolean function, as outlined in the following Truth-Table:

    ABCD -> y
0:  0000 -> 1
1:  0001 -> 0
2:  0010 -> 1
3:  0011 -> 1
4:  0100 -> 1
5:  0101 -> 1
6:  0110 -> 1
7:  0111 -> 1
8:  1000 -> 1
9:  1001 -> 1
10: 1010 -> 1
11: 1011 -> 1
12: 1100 -> 1
13: 1101 -> 1
14: 1110 -> 0
15: 1111 -> 0

This function maps four input boolean variables A to D to a result y. Without much effort, an inefficient formula can be derived for this function, specifically the disjunction of all 13 terms (conjunctions) that map to 1, expressed as y = (~A ^ ~B ^ ~C ^ ~D) v ... v (A ^ B ^ ~C ^ D). We can do better than that, and find a much more optimized representation.

The Quine-McCluskey method simplifies this truth-table to:

ABCD -> y
0XX0 -> 1
X0X0 -> 1
XX00 -> 1
01XX -> 1
10XX -> 1
0X1X -> 1
1X0X -> 1
X01X -> 1
X10X -> 1

Additionally, Petricks method simplifies this truth-table to:

ABCD -> y
01XX -> 1
1X0X -> 1
0XX0 -> 1
X01X -> 1

Which gives us the following formula: y = (~A ^ B) v (A ^ ~C) v (~A ^ ~D) v (~B ^ C)

The Mojo code has a parameter SHOW_INFO: Bool which, when set to true, will display intermediate steps. This allows us to observe how the Boolean function is incrementally simplified throughout the process.

And what has this to do with Mojo?

Petrick's method addresses the covering problem, a known NP-complete problem: thus exact algorithm may take exponetial time in the worst cast. Having a efficient implementation is not a luxery.

But more important, with Mojo, this algorithm can be run at compile time. We can extract logic from our programming language, minimize it to its absolute minimum, and produce high-performance code. While compile time may be notable slower, consider it an investment in achieving faster runtime performance.

Attempting to write this algorithm as a template program in C++ may not be the most pleasant experience... Hence Mojo.


Quine McCluskey Petrick implementation in Modular Mojo







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