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Releases: HTTP3D/WalkTheWeb

WalkTheWeb v3.7.5

30 Apr 22:00
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This software is a hosting software for 3D Websites as part of 3D Internet Metaverse that combine 3D Gaming with 3D Shopping. It is a 3D CMS for 3D Games and 3D Plugins.

Demo 3D Website:

This update includes Babylon and Havok Engine Updates and other related settings.

Here are the details for this release:

Same Site Cookie Settings - We temporarily disabled sameSite Cookie settings to remove the third party cookie warning.

Havok Condition for Babylon Engine - The Havok code is only available for the Babylon v6.x.x engine. To make sure you do not try to run it with the v5.x.x engine, additional conditional statements have been added. This will keep the Engine and Physics Engine loading properly.

Updated Havok init Code - We updated the Havok physics engine Init Code to include global variables for havokInstance and hk for the Havok plugin. The core file has the init code in the initEnvironment function.

Babylon Engine Settings updated - We updated the settings on the Babylon Engine to disable preserveDrawingBuffer, enable stencil, and disable disableWebGL2Support.

Updated Babylon Engine to Version 6.46.0 - We Updated the Babylon JS Engine to version 6.46.0. This will give us the latest fixes and enhancements available. Note that in your admin, you may need to select version 6 in Settings to use this version.

CSG Rendering Groups - When editing a CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) objects, the combined object would disappear when editing. It was appearing before the ground layer in the view. Now the rendering group is correct and it is displaying as expected. The image shows then and now as contrast of the edit process shown.

Profile Menu corrected Save Text - On the Profile Menu under the HUD Menu, press M to show, the Save Button was missing the Save Text. The rendering group was not set correctly and caused it to be under the visible layer. It has been corrected.

HUD Menu Rendering Correction - The HUD Menu, press M to show, had an issue with the rendering order of things. This was corrected by adding the Rendering Group ID as 3 to the menu item.

WalkTheWeb v3.7.4

30 Nov 00:51
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Release Date: 11/28/2023
By Aaron Dishno Ed.D.

This software is a hosting software for 3D Websites as part of 3D Internet Metaverse that combine 3D Gaming with 3D Shopping. It is a 3D CMS for 3D Games and 3D Plugins.

Demo 3D Website:

This update includes a new method for everyone to edit their user avatars colors and scaling; using a new Edit My Avatar 3D Form.

Here are the details for this release:

Edit My Avatar 3D Form Functions - There are numerous new functions, hovers, click events, and loading conditions that have been added to the wtw_hud_login.js file to support the new Edit My Avatar 3D Form.

Added Save Avatar Scaling Function - We added a function called saveAvatarScaling to the 3D-Avatars plugin to save the scaling values for the local user avatar. We also added a handler case for saveavatarscaling to call this function.

Added Scaling to 3D Form for Edit Avatar - You can now edit the scaling of the local User Avatars. When you open the User Menu (from the bottom browse menu, profile), you can select Edit My Avatar. This opens a new 3D Form for editing your avatar, Select the Size button on the left, then adjust the scale on the right. Click Save to keep the settings.

Added 3D Form for Edit Avatar Colors - You can now edit the colors of the local User Avatars. When you open the User Menu (from the bottom browse menu, profile), you can select Edit My Avatar. This opens a new 3D Form for editing your avatar, Select an avatar part on the right then edit the colors. Click Save to keep the settings.

Removed Save Avatar Color Handler Call - We removed the function for saveAvatarColor from avatars.php handler. This same handler call is available in the wtw-avatars plugin, /core/handlers/wtwavatars-saveavatar.php.

Removed Save Avatar Color - We removed the function for saveAvatarColor from class_wtwavatars.php. This same function is available in the wtw-avatars plugin.

Added Cancel to User Menu - We added a cancel button to the User Menu so that you can close it. This included renaming some buttons, resizing the log off button, and adding the new cancel button with animation. The animation also required setting changes in the HUD JavaScript file.

Global Avatar Update missing Parameter - In the 3D Internet plugin, downloadUserAvatarVersionResponse function, the zrequest variable was not set, therefore not passing the right parameters. It has now been set to the correct values.

Corrected link to Edit Community - When browsing a 3D Community Scene, the link on the bottom was not showing a link to edit the community when there are no 3D Buildings in the scene. This update to the wtw_core.js file sets the edit community link.

WalkTheWeb v3.7.3

06 Nov 19:33
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Release Date: 11/6/2023
By Aaron Dishno Ed.D.

This software is a hosting software for 3D Websites as part of 3D Internet Metaverse that combine 3D Gaming with 3D Shopping. It is a 3D CMS for 3D Games and 3D Plugins.

Demo 3D Website:

This update pertains to the 3D Internet Multiplayer enhancements and updates. We updated Linux, NodeJS,, Discord functionality, and all related elements.

Here are the details for this release:

Extreme Load Zone in Community - To assist in 3D internet when entering zones, we are now returning the Extreme Load action zone id as the extremeloadzoneid. This applies to connect/community.php and connect/communities.php.

Admin Check Connection Functions removed - In the 3D Internet admin channel, there was a loop interval for checking the connection like a heartbeat. This has been removed since the new code enhancements and update handles the connection and reconnect a lot better.

Movement Tracking Updates - In the 3D Internet plugin, the movement tracking has been updated to always connect (when movement is turned on in admin), but now it only tracks when you enter or exit an extreme load zone for the community using rooms.

Added Try Catch to Animation Loading - We added a try-catch around the functions that load new avatar animations. This allows us to suppress errors in loading if an animation is not found, while still loading the remaining animations.

Avatar Transitions with Smoke - The numerous transitions for avatars that use smoke to enter a scene were sometimes causing errors if the smoke was removed before the process completed. We added conditions to check for smoke before using it in the function.

Updated Actionzone Object - The actionzone object uses moldname but it was not in the original newActionZone function. It has been added.

3D Internet Plugin Massive Update - In the past couple months we have fully rebuilt the Multi-player server. Latest Linux version, NGinx, PHP, Node.js,, Discord, etc... Then we made big improvements to the connect and disconnect functionality for admin channels, movement, and chat. This project will go on to next month, but it is working much better so we decided to publish out the latest changes. While this update may only have a few posted updates, it has a complete rewrite on the back-end server. It is all for the better in the long run. More to come!

Catch Download Errors - The Download errors from file_get_contents were not being caught by the code. We added the @ and a test and now it catches the errors, keeping them from the users.

Updated Client Files - We updated the client files to the latest version 4.7.2.

CORS transport Update - We added a transport reference pointing to websocket on the 3D Internet Plugin connections for the Admin, Move, and Chat functionality. This appears to have corrected the occasional CORS error.

getAddThingList Moved to 3D Internet Function - getAddThingList JavaScript function was moved to the 3D Internet Plugin under scripts/franchises.js. This includes all references to call it.

getAddBuildingList Moved to 3D Internet Function - getAddBuildingList JavaScript function was moved to the 3D Internet Plugin under scripts/franchises.js

Prep Check Date Function - The prepCheckDate function had the month and day reversed in the conditional output. This caused invalid date format in some cases. It has been corrected.

Add Building to Community Duplication - When adding a 3D Building to a 3D Community, the list of your 3D Buildings was being duplicated. The code was moved to the 3D Internet Plugin, but was not removed from the main admin menu code. It has been corrected.

Corrected Download Image Paths - We corrected the download image paths to point to the server instead of the server.

Width on Email Settings - The Email Settings form was too narrow for the content. We adjusted the width to match similar forms.

Added Missing Animations - The install was not including all of the necessary animations. We added the missing animations to the proper uploads/avatars/3b9bt5c70igtmqux/animations folder. This folder gets copied to all of the initial avatars animations folders during install. You can copy them manually if needed.

WalkTheWeb v3.7.2

05 Sep 16:08
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Release Date: 9/5/2023
By Aaron Dishno Ed.D.

This software is a hosting software for 3D Websites as part of 3D Internet Metaverse that combine 3D Gaming with 3D Shopping. It is a 3D CMS for 3D Games and 3D Plugins.

Demo 3D Website:

This update contains the XR and AR support environment. WalkTheWeb will now auto detect your VR or AR equipment and start you in XR Mode. We also included a number of improvements to Teleports to improve reliability.

Here are the details for this release:

Teleport to Other Communities - When teleporting to other communities, the teleport zone was firing multiple times, causing unexpected errors. This has been corrected by removing the status reset update step. Now it only happens once and gets the expected behavior.

Error Path Correction - In the class connecting grids functions, a number of functions were still referencing the previous class as the location for the error if it occurs. The path has been properly updated.

Communities Filter All - Reversed the last update, instead chose to use the filter all querystring to call the communities.php connect file. This allows the list of communities for Mine to only show ones I authored while giving all returned when supplying settings to forms like share and information.

Connect Communities for Admin - When opening communities.php from connect, if your role is admin and you open a community other than your own, the information was not necessarily showing. This update to the SQL fixes that issue and returns what it should.

Get User Roles - The function for getUserRoles was not returning more than one record in the array. It was missing the increment value. It has been corrected.

Download Queue and Update Badges - When you would Download or Cancel an item from the Download Queue (triggered from the downloads from, the badge for downloads/updates was not being updated. This process now updates the badges.

First Building Cancel - When editing a 3D Community under Options and Settings, if you set the first building for the 3D Community, it removes the 3D Object from the scene. The Save and Cancel worked as planned, but the back arrow on the top was not. It is corrected to be treated as a cancel and remove the 3D Object.

Ser VR Browser User Agent - We used the following test for selecting the VR headset active: Oculus, Vibe, Mobile VR, and MobileVR.

Added VR Camera to XR Setup - We added the VR Camera with Gamepad to the initial XR loading environment. As a default, the VR Camera is now loaded when the browser user agent is VR.

XR Global Variables Added - We added 3 new global variables WTW.environment, WTW.xrHelper, and WTW.isVRorAR.

Enabled XR Environment - Added code to enable the XR Environment for VR and AR use. Currently, it only turns on if Oculus, Vibe, or Mobile VR is detected in the user agent.

Downloads for Teleporting - We decided to limit the Shared Downloads to only teleport within the same 3D Web. This code will set the teleportwebid to the correct new set id as needed when downloading.

Corrected Missing Image on Ground - The Extended Ground was missing an image because it only had an original image id and the SQL was checking for websizeid. It now returns an alternative image based on originalid. This update checks for the alternative and uses it if there is no path already defined.

Added Original Image to Response - Added the original image path to the recordset as an alternative when there is no websize id. This is applied to the extended ground texture, skybox texture, and water bump texture paths.

User Menu Buttons - The button naming for the Select Avatar and Edit Avatar buttons on the user menu were having a name conflict. We updated the 3D Menu Form and the HUD Login code to match the naming so it will work.

Check object before Setting Status - In the checkShownMolds function, the zloadazstatus is now checking to see if the object is null before trying to read the status.

Check Mold before Setting Collisions - We needed to add a check to see if the mold is null before setting the check collisions.

Avatar Animations Correction Globally - When the avatar has multiple animations for core motions such as walk, the avatar will have problems running and loading animations. This change to the connect file for avatar.php groups the animations by avatarevent for the ones that are not Options, and adds the Options grouped by friendly name, both only getting the latest updatedate when it finds duplicates. We corrected the same issue in Copy Avatar, Get Avatar Animations, Share and Download Avatars.

Avatar Animations Removing Duplicates - When the avatar has multiple animations for core motions such as walk, the avatar will have problems running and loading animations. This change to the connect file for avatar.php groups the animations by avatarevent for the ones that are not Options, and adds the Options grouped by friendly name, both only getting the latest updatedate when it finds duplicates.

WalkTheWeb v3.7.1

29 Jul 19:24
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Release Date: 7/29/2023
By Aaron Dishno Ed.D.

This software is a hosting software for 3D Websites as part of 3D Internet Metaverse that combine 3D Gaming with 3D Shopping. It is a 3D CMS for 3D Games and 3D Plugins.

Demo 3D Website:

This update is all about the user experience! This includes big improvements to Avatar movement, speed, and click space bar to jump. Additionally there are 3D Menu Updates, copy supports teleports, and Teleport / Spawn Zone enhancements that now allow them to be included in Shares and Downloads.

Here are the details for this release:

New Enter Login Button Menu - When you come to a new scene, we moved the Enter button to a new 3D Model menu called wtw-entermenu.babylon. We then added a button for Login so that you can choose to login before entering the scene (Enter selects a random avatar). We also removed the Enter button from the login menu 3D Model. This change effects the HUD Login code as well as the Login and Core files that call the menus.

Jump Collisions Correction - When jumping, there is an avatar base collision adjustment so that the avatar can jump up on something as they walk or run forward. When the avatar stood still and jumped, the correction was causing the avatar to sink into the ground then slowly correct itself by collision control. We disabled the correction during a jump vertically to rectify this issue.

3D Internet Menu Closing Corrected - When in Admin Mode and click on the 3D Internet Menu, when you select a sub menu item, then click the 3D Internet to close the menu group, it now closes the sub menu item properly. Before, only the first item page was being checked for closure.

Enable / Disable WalkTheWeb Broadcasts - Under the 3D Internet, Multiplayer and Chat settings, in Admin Mode, you can now Enable and Disable the WalkTheWeb Broadcasts.

Move Avatar handling Jumps - We changed the moveAvatar function on how it processes and identifies Jump commands. It now uses an array of possible Jump commands to set the animation weights.

Exclude Space Bar from Key Pressed Remove - The keyPressedRemove function is used to release keys from the active controls. It can be found in the wtw_inputs.js file. We added a condition to the code to not remove the space bar (keycode 32) so that pressing the space bar will continue the action to jump until the jump animation is complete. The code to remove the space bar was added to the end function of the animation. (when loading a jump type animation).

Load Animation End Cycle Function - When executing an animation loop, for example jump, we needed to add code to execute at the end of a cycle before it loops. This allows us to add code to clear the jump before it loops. THis same location can be used to add additional conditions at the end of a cycle before it loops. This can be found in the loadAvatarAnimations function in wtw_loadavatar.js.

Added Space Bar Click Jump - Previously, you had to hold down the space bar to jump and it was an endless loop. This meant that after a jump sequence, gravity would not take over until the space bar was released. Now, jump uses a click on the space bar and always ends at one cycle of the jump.

Removed Opposite Movement from Move Avatar Section - Since the opposite movement cancellation happens on the key stroke end now, we do not need to test for it and cancel on the move avatar code side. We removed the checks and alternate fixes. This effects the wtw_avatarfunctions.js file.

Cancel Opposite Avatar Movements - In the keyPressedAdd function, we now check for opposite avatar movements and cancel the end results. For example, if left turn and right turn are both pressed, the avatar will do nothing (stay idle). Previously, it would jitter between both movements.

Canceling Key Repeat - When moving your avatar, if you hold a key, it was repeating the same process to check and add the key code. We now check to see if it is a repeating key before checking, making it run faster with less processing work.

Swap Avatar Control Keys - We swapped the default movement for the A, D, Q, and E keys. A and left arrow turn left, D and right arrow turn right, Q strafes left, and E strafes right. Note that R and F will look up or down and space bar jumps.

Teleport and Spawn in Copy, Share, and Downloads - The fields teleportwebid, teleportwebtype, and spawnactionzoneid needed to be added to every Copy, Share, and Download related function. It includes but was not limited to the connect, functions, handlers, scripts, and 3D Internet Plugin. The Copy, Share, and Download will now process and preserve these teleport and spawn settings as expected.

Teleport and Spawn Settings when Sharing - When you share a 3D Community, any teleport and spawn settings were not being transferred and included. We now added the teleportwebid, teleportwebtype, and spawnactionzoneid as part of the shared action zones for the community. Note that when downloading a shared 3D Community, only teleports within the same 3D Community will be included. Any additional teleport destinations will be ignored. This may change in the future, but it requires a domain name destination to stay consistent and we do not fully support that yet.

Save Action Zone with Teleport - When saving an action zone not of type teleport, the teleport community was not being cleared from previous use of the form, therefore would sometimes have values when it no longer applies. We updated the code to only set a value for the teleportwebid, teleportwebtype, and spawnactionzoneid if it is a type teleportzone.

Prevent Unloading for Background Tabs - When the browser tab is not the focus, browsers like Google Chrome would automatically unload some of the canvas causing 3D Models to disappear in the 3D Scene. Sometimes the land the avatar is standing on would disappear. This new setting for the engine to renderEvenInBackground will help prevent this from happening by keeping the rendering going in the background. Note that some browsers may throttle down the frames per second for background tabs.

Edit Water Render Corrected - In Admin Mode and working on a 3D Community (under Edit 3D Community, Edit 3D Scene, and Water, Waves, and Wind, select the Advanced Options), when editing the water, it was not rending the changes but removing the water. We now applied the changes using the same render code as the initial load, but with the new possible settings. This allows you to see the changes as you make them. Note that things like land, piers and other 3D objects will not show the refraction in the water until it is refreshed, they have to load after the water to be included in the refraction and it would take too long on each minute change to refresh everything.

Walk Distance and Animation Defaults - We changed the walk distance and animation defaults to 2.6 on the adjustment slider in the browse menu settings under avatar movement as well as the table default.

Walk Distance and Animation Range Increased - When adjusting the Avatar movement speeds in the browse menu settings, we increased the available range of values from .1 to 1 on the low end and 2.9 to 3.9 on the top end. We also increased the default setting from 1.5 to 2.6. This allows higher values for the avatar movement.

Avatar Distance Traveled Increased - We increased the factor that provides the distance traveled for avatars so that the walk, run, and strafe movements all move faster across the ground.

New Avatar Swipe Movement - We have replaced the previous position avatar rotation (horizontal and vertical) with a swipe driven movement. If you swipe a distance less than 1/4th of your screen (horizontal or vertical) you will get a slower rotation. When you swipe more than a 1/4th of your screen, you will get about three times the rotation speed. This change is in the wtw_inputs.js mouse and touch controls (to set the swipe direction, swipe strength, and key pressed array for animations) and in the wtw_avatarfunctions.js swipeRotateAvatar function (to set the rotations).

Touch Timer Changes - Global variables for WTW.touchLeftTimer and WTW.touchRightTimer have been replaced by WTW.touchTimer. With the new avatar swipe movement, there is no longer a need to determine if the touch was left or right side of the screen.

Remove Global Mouse Move Variables - We removed the global WTW.mouseMoveX and WTW.mouseMoveY since adding the new avatar swipe movement, they is no longer needed. The new swipe uses WTW.mouseStartX and WTW.mouseStartY instead.

Avatar Key Runtime Effects Added - In the moveAvatar function and using the new starttime and endtime per animation event (key pressed), we now calculate how long a key is being held down. Using this zruntime variable, we can change the weights of an animation the longer the key is held. For example, when walking or running, the avatar would turn slowly making it easy to adjust and fine tune the direction, but after a second or two, the turn rate will increase to allow the avatar to fully rotate faster.

Added Start Time and End Time to Avatar Running Animations - We added a starttime and endtime properties to the zrunninganims[zanim] array. This allows us to set a time the animation began and ended. When it begins, endtime gets set to null. When an animation ends, the starttime is set to null. These settings are related to when an animation is active = 1, which means that the key, mouse or touch is currently being activated.

Running Events Notation - To assist in reducing code in key functions, we set a zrunningevents variable for zrunninganims[zevent] which effectively is zavatar.WTW.animations.running[zevent] in the moveavatar function.

Running Animations Notation - To assist in reducing code in key functions, we set a zrunninganims variable for zavatar.WTW.animations.running in the moveavatar function.

Added Color Validation to Babylon Files - In th...

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WalkTheWeb v3.7.0

30 Jun 15:29
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Release Date: 6/30/2023
By Aaron Dishno Ed.D.

This software is a hosting software for 3D Websites as part of 3D Internet Metaverse that combine 3D Gaming with 3D Shopping. It is a 3D CMS for 3D Games and 3D Plugins.

Demo 3D Website:

This release is all about testing and refining WalkTheWeb. It includes a prompt to accept cookies, mobile menu scaling improvements, 131 animations for each initial avatar, reduced initial download size, and numerous smaller fixes.

Here are the details for this release:

Save Avatar Cookie after Select - The save avatar cookie after the select avatar process was missing the number of days to save it. This made it disappear as it saved it. It has been corrected.

Avatar ID Cookie Saving - When a random avatar is added, the setCookie function was not setting the number of days, so the cookie expired as it was written. We added 365 days and now it works.

Pending Cookies Array - We added a global variable called WTW.pendingCookies as an array to store any cookies that would be written before the Allow Cookies prompt is answered. If answered to Allow, the array is processed and each cookie is saved. Either way you answer about the Allow or Deny Cookies, the array is cleared after.

Set Cookie Prompt Protected - The setCookie function in wtw_utilities.js now checks the prompt response with the checkAllowCookies function.

Get Cookie Prompt Protected - The getCookie function in wtw_utilities.js is now using the checkAllowCookies function before use. This has one exception, the allowcookies can be processed to see if it exists.

Replaced Delete Cookie Function - The deleteCookie function was using the setCookie function, but now it has its own stand alone code. This is due to the changes to protect the set and get cookies functions.

Added Check Allow Cookies Function - We added a checkAllowCookies function that will return a true or false depending on the prompt response and possible cookie to remember the setting if cookies were allowed.

Camera Distance Cookie - The Camera Distance cookie was being set before it was being read. This caused it to reset every time the page reopened. We removed the unnecessary set cookie in the init camera function.

Avatar for Edit Code Update - When opening an avatar for edit, the scaleold node was not setting the position and rotation. The code lines were copied from the avatarscaling, showing as a duplicate, but the avatarscalingold node needed to be set. This has been corrected.

Avatar Transition Scaling Corrected - When switching avatars, the old avatar stays until the new avatar is completely loaded. The issue was that the new avatar was resetting the scaling of the old avatar (scaleold transform node), making the avatar jump in size during the transition before it is deleted. We removed the scaling for the scaleold node when the new avatar is being added. This allows it to preserve the scaling of the old avatar while the new avatar loads.

Parent During Avatar Transition - When switching avatars, the child elements of an avatar get set to an alternate parent (-scaleold) for a short time. The code was reparenting all items, but we needed it to only parent items that are part of the current scale parent. This change preserves the sub parent structure.

Allow Cookies Prompt in Sequence - The Allow Cookies prompt has been added to the load sequence. This will make sure it is prompted before any cookies are written from the JavaScript (client) side.

Select Avatar Display Name - When viewing the select avatar 3D Form, The display name was throwing an error when you are set as anonymous. We added a condition to check if the display name or default display name is null to correct the issue. The results will now show Anonymous as the display name when the JSON call returns a null value.

Allow Cookies Prompt Added - We are now asking if the user allows cookies. The menu will show on first use, if the user selects allow cookies, cookies will be used to save user settings and preferences including this allow setting (no longer get the prompt on each visit). If the user selects deny cookies, it will not save cookies, any existing cookies will be removed, and the user will be prompted each time they visit the site. Remember that cookies include the avatar selection, instance number of the user (gives an anonymous user an identity), logins, avatar customizations, and other preferences. This update includes: new menu in class_wtwmenu.php, global variable in wtw_constructor.js, allow cookie functions in wtw_utilities.js, and calls to add the cookie menu in index.php and admin.php.

Avatar Animations Menu Size - When you long click your avatar, the optional animations horizontal scroll is shown with the animations you can play by holding one of the icons. This horizontal scroll was too wide for mobile devices. It is now properly scaling to fit your screen and you can see the close button.

Mobile Browse Menu Height - When using a mobile device in landscape orientation the browse menu was too tall for the screen causing you to not be able to close the menu. We corrected it by adding a div with a vertical overflow scrollbar and set the height when opening.

Enter Zone Process - The Enter Zone process used by the multiplayer was executing 2 times on entry of a load zone. It now uses the status to determine if it needs to run. First time it is status 0 and all following times the status is 2.

3D Avatar Required Plugins - When editing a 3D Avatar, under options and settings - ratings and requirements, the requirements section was not set to open for avatars. This section lets you set any required or optional plugins that will be used when your avatar loads. We added the condition to allow it for avatars. Now this section is available.

Animation Modes Hiding Animations - When selecting Fight Mode or returning to Normal Mode of Avatar movement (after slow click on your avatar), the list of animations to choose from were not hiding the extra animations. An OR clause was added to the avatarAnimationMode function to hide or show the appropriate animations when selected.

Avatar Animation Transitions are Faster - When an avatar changes from one movement to another there is a transition speed set by an increment that determines how fast the animation stops and the new one starts. Previously the increment was 0.2, now it is 0.5. This means that the transitions are now completing 2.5 times faster. This makes the avatar a lot more responsive to changes in direction and movement.

Avatar Walk to Position - The avatar walk to position function has been updated to watch for lack of movement as a method to cancel the walking. We also cleaned up the code by using the cancelWalkToPosition function instead of individual repeated lines of code.

Avatar Walk to Decal - When you click the ground, a decal is added to the ground and the avatar walks to it. The decal was not showing because of the rendering group. It has been corrected.

Added Cancel to Select Avatar 3D Form - We added a Cancel button to the select avatar 3D Form. This also includes the animation code, hover, and action to close the select avatar 3D Form when selected.

Table Character Set Updated - When creating the tables, the utf8 characterset has been updated to UTF8MB4 by a recommendation of MySQL. This change occurred in the main WalkTheWeb tables and all plugins maintained by WalkTheWeb.

Avatar in Groups Table Comma Issue - The avataringroups table was not being created because of a missing comma after the primary key line. This has been corrected and tested.

Avatars in Groups Table - The avatarsingroups table was not being created because of a typo in the varchar size. It said 416 when it should be 16.

Initial Install Download Size Reduction - We reduced the install file size by eliminating the duplicate avatar animation files. Therefore, in the install we now have a process that copies the animations to each of the avatar folders while respecting the unique animations for that avatar. Mostly, the onwait and dances are different per avatar and the male and female walks are also separate selections.

New Install Avatars - During the new install of WalkTheWeb, the avatars are now the latest 1.0.1 or 1.1.1 versions of the avatars consisting of 131 animations each. If you already installed, these are the same avatars you get when you update the avatars in your admin mode.

Content System Avatars folder removed - The /content/system/avatars folder has been removed. The installed avatars are now in the /content/uploads/avatars folder with other downloaded avatars.

Default Avatar Path Updated - The default avatar path has been updated to the unanimous male avatar.

Community Name loading - On occasions, the community name would error while loading. This depended on if the mobile or desktop version of the menu is being used. It now checks the availability of the element before setting the inner HTML value.

WalkTheWeb v3.6.4

31 May 17:31
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Release Date: 5/31/2023
By Aaron Dishno Ed.D.

This software is a hosting software for 3D Websites as part of 3D Internet Metaverse that combine 3D Gaming with 3D Shopping. It is a 3D CMS for 3D Games and 3D Plugins.

Demo 3D Website:

This release includes the ability to teleport within the same 3D Community! We corrected rendering groups for admin tools, login process extras, admin file functions, and admin right click functions.

Here are the details for this release:

Set First Building Updates - The Set First Building in a 3D Community (under Options and settings) is designed to pick the first 3D Building location when this 3D Community is used in a Create 3D Scene Wizard. (meaning you select the building, community, and the system will know where to place that first building in the community). The building guide was not showing. We added the rendering group id to the building guide and now it shows. Helpful hint: when adding the first building location, select the avatar camera off so you can move the camera anywhere to get a good view of the location (This also helps when creating the snapshot). notice that it may start under the land if you have a hill in front of you when you open the building guide. The avatar camera off will let you look under the ground to find it.

Try Catch for Render - There are times where the scene render can throw an error, like when we update the landscape and it takes longer to reload when you cancel. We added a try catch around the main scene.render() function so that it will suppress the error and just try again if it has any issues. This will keep it from failing and shutting down the render loop.

File Uploads for Admins - Previously, file uploads always went to your own uploadid folder under your user. Now, if you are logged in as an Admin, the upload process with pass the upload object path and put files into that folder on the server. This allows admins to upload to any user, community, building, thing, avatar, or 3D Model folders (all under the content folder).

Updated function call for inputClick - In the functions folder of the plugins, we update the addScriptFunction call to use inputClick instead of onClick.

Plugins onClick function Updated - In all of the existing plugins, we renamed the onClick function to inputClick to match the main function and updated the function to return the zpickedname. We also set up conditions (or added to the existing conditions) to set the zpickedname to ' so that it stops processing the click on return if it already processed the click by name.

Renamed pluginOnClick to pluginInputClick - We renamed the input function pluginOnClick to pluginInputClick to match the new inputClick function where it is being called. We also added a return value of the zpickedname. If you return zpickedname = ' from your plugin functions, the main function will not process it as another click on other objects. This corrects the avatar movement to the item when you click on it.

Teleport in same 3D Scene - We added code to now teleport into the same 3D Scene as initiated. Just set up a spawn zone where you want to land, then add a teleport zone and select the same 3D Community that you are in with the spawn zone. We kept the avatar effect to disappear and use visibility to fade into the scene.

Save Button Text Material - On the Select Avatar 3D Form, the save button text was not loading the proper white text until you hovered over it and hovered away. We reset the texture material for the text to the white.

Display Name Cursor Placement - On the Select Avatar 3D Form, the display name text box cursor was defaulting to the first character in the display name when it opens it with a value. The cursor position is now set to the end of the name as expected.

Remember Me Checkbox Click - When logging in, the remember me checkbox was requiring a keyboard click to set it. Now it responds and changes with a mouse or touch click.

Delete Object Files Permissions - Since we changed the 3D Models to be able to merge like models, some of the file paths are no longer in our own user folders. Therefore, we updated the delete object file function to pass the object folder and check if you are an Admin and delete the file from the server. Otherwise if you are not Admin, it will look to see if it is in your own user folder before deleting.

Admin Mouse Right Click Editing - When in Admin Mode, when you right click to select an object, selecting 3D Things, 3D Buildings, 3D Models, and some 3D Web Objects were not selecting because of the updated name to include local as a location. We added an additional namepart 6 to select the base of those objects. Now it works as expected.

Guide Lines Rendering - When editing an object, the guide lines were not showing. We added the rendering group id as 1 and now they render in the correct layer.

Water not Rendering Corrected - In the 3D Scenes, the water was being created, but not set per rendering group, so it was not showing in the correct layer. This has been corrected by adding rendering group id 1..

Updated Babylon Viewer Path - When working with 3D Models in the Media Library (under Admin Mode), the preview pane was not pointing to the sub folder under the engine folder. This has been updated to use the most recent copy.

Teleport to 3D Community Scene Settings - When you teleport to another 3D Community, it now sets the fog, sun lighting, sky, and scene coloring during a teleport.

Show Action Zone Rendering - When the showActionZone function displays the action zones in the Admin Mode of a scene (Quick Editor Settings), the rendering groupd id needed to be set to 1 so that the drawn zones cut off at the ground.

Rendering Group for Ground - The rendering group for extended ground has been changed to 1. This puts it in the same group as the items on the ground and fixes the cut off of items that go under the ground.

Mouse Right Click now uses Render Groups - When the rendering groups were added previously, we updated the left mouse click to select with respect to the rendering groups. Now the Right mouse click in Admin Mode uses the same accurate selection process with respect to rending groups.

Right Click on 3D Items in Admin Mode - When in Admin Mode, the 3D Objects were not allowing them to be selected unless the checkbox for isPickable was selected in advanced options. This logic has been changed to default to is pickable and always pickable if in Admin Mode.

pluginsResetMoldColor Renamed - pluginsResetMoldColor function in the wtwplugins class that creates JavaScript functions, has been renamed to pluginsSetMoldColor to match the function that is adding the plugins access hook.

Added Check Login Process - We added a WTW.checkLogin() JavaScript function that is executed when the window (tab) receives focus that looks to see if the user session is still active and returns a true or false. If false and if the user is in Admin Mode, they will be redirected to the home page and all values set for logged out. If True, the session continues without change. This process also adds a function to the wtwusers class and users handler for isUserLoggedIn().

Logout Redirect Sequence - We modified the logout sequence slightly to make sure the logout for the session happens before a redirect to the index.php page (when they are on the admin.php page (Admin Mode).

Share Avatar Save Duplicate Decode Removed - During the save Share Avatar process (saveAvatarTemplate function in the 3D Internet Plugin), the handler decodes the name, descriptions, and tags. Teh decode process was being duplicated in the save Templates Class function causing the values to be blank. The duplicate has been removed.

Corrected Animations List - When calling the /connect/avatar.php file, a single animation was being omitted. Turns out that the variable for the index was being reused in the code and would cause it to overwrite one animation with the onwait animation. This has been corrected by renaming the index variable.

Get File Contents with Spaces - We added a space replacement of %20 to the URLs so that the use of file_get_contents will properly support spaces in the file names. This applies to all instances in the WTW code.

Added Verify and Create Folder - Added a verifyFolderExists function to classes wtw, wtwdb, wtwhandlers, wtwconnect, and wtwplugins to make it consistent with adding folders with mods and proper umask procedures. This function is now used and replaced all similar instances within existing functions.

Changed order of Camera Loading - With the new SkyBoxes, some take longer to load causing the camera to not be loaded when the scene render loop begins. We now changed the order of loading to make the camera load before the sky, fog, and extended ground to make sure it completes before the render loop begins. This corrects the occasional no camera defined error message.

Set Content Rating for Mobile - The content rating for mobile field needed to be checked for null before making the update to the rating text.

WalkTheWeb v3.6.3

02 May 21:08
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Release Date: 5/2/2023
By Aaron Dishno Ed.D.

This software is a hosting software for 3D Websites as part of 3D Internet Metaverse that combine 3D Gaming with 3D Shopping. It is a 3D CMS for 3D Games and 3D Plugins.

Demo 3D Website:

This release includes Babylon 6.1.0 and the addition of Havok Physics Engine! It also adds SkyBoxes, many new environment settings, new debug tools, faster avatar load times, enhanced mouse over support, group layer rendering, lighting and fog settings, and improvements to avatar movement.

Here are the details for this release:

New Image Qualification in Code - When uploading an image file to the File Uploads process, we automatically scale the image into thumbnails, websize, and the original. This process does not work for 3D Images like skyboxes. Therefore, we added code to check for images and eliminate known skybox file types (by extensions) from being scaled to the various sizes.

Get My Images function Extended - We modified the getMyImages php function SQL to include a case for the new standard files category. It now returns documents and skybox files.

Media Library Files Icon - We had to add code for the skybox dds, hdr, and exr types of images to not try to show a thumbnail since they are not standard image types. The code for the media Library and Information about the file now has these exceptions and replaces the thumbnail with a simple file icon.

Babylon v6.1.0 - We upgraded the Babylon Engine for the v6.x.x folder to version v6.1.0.

Added Standard File as Media Library Type - We needed a new category for files that are not documents, images, videos, or audio files, so we added a standard Files category. This will host anything that does not fit in other categories. Files category will also show the documents category items. But it will also include things like dds and hdr SkyBoxes that are not standard images that can easily show a thumbnail.

Physics Engine Selection - In Admin Mode under Settings, starting with version v6.x.x, you now have the ability to select the physics engine of your choice. Previously, cannon engine was enabled and the cannon and oimo engines were being loaded by default (which still works if you select v5.x.x). v6.x.x now includes the Havok Physics engine.

Select Babylon Version - In the Admin Mode, Settings, you will see a new section that includes a drop-down for Babylon Version. This allows you to select which version you wish to operate on your server (as a whole server).

Multiple Babylon Versions Supported - Since some of the new versions may need to be tested before you can update your site to the new version, we have added a folder structure and selection in code that will allow multiple versions to exist under the /core/scripts/engine folder.

Merge Files for htaccess updates - In the class_wtw-initsession.php file, we added a function to mergeFiles that we are using with the htaccess file. GitHub does not show .htaccess files so we use a htaccess file without the dot to represent what should be there. During a new install, the file is fully copied to the .htaccess filename. After initial install, we know some changes and customizations may exist that we respect and preserve. So we created a mergeFile function that will take every line in our htaccess file and look to see it is in the .htaccess file. If not, it will be added automatically. For best results, we recommend that any changes you make are before the WalkTheWeb section.

New Mime Types Supported - We added 4 new mime types: wasm is used by the new havok physics engine and the other three (dds, hdr, and exr) are for sky boxes. The dds and hdr files are already in use for the PBR SkyBox and HDR SkyBox respectively. The exr is for future use. These same mime types are added to the web.config for Windows Servers.

Physics Engine Global Variable - We eliminated the WTW.enablePhysics and replaced it with WTW.physicsEngine that accepts values of havok, cannon, oimo, or blank for none.

Added Mime Types to htaccess - We added some mime types to the htaccess file to now include: dds, hdr, exr, and wasm. dds and hdr can be used for skyboxes, exr is for future use, and the wasm file was added for usage by the Havok Physics Engine.

Added Function to Get Max Upload Size - We added a function to get the maximum upload file size value in bytes. We also added a function to convert values with P, T, G, M, or K to bytes to assist the first function. These functions are also extended to handler, connect, and plugin classes. It is also now used to replace the 5 cases of 128000000 hard coded value.

Physics Viewer Added to Admin Mode - We implemented the Physics Viewer. You will find it in Admin Mode, under Development Tools. This tool will allow you to see how Babylon implements the physics around objects and help troubleshoot physics related implementations.

Babylon Debug Functionality Added - We implemented the Debug Layer Inspector. You will find it in Admin Mode, under Development Tools. This tool will allow you to see how Babylon implements meshes and functionality in the scene.

Beginning adding Physics to Molds - We are beginning to add physics to molds. This will continue to be implemented for a couple months. You can expect physics behaviors to improve as we go.

Updated BabylonJS to 6.0 - We updated BabylonJS to version 6.0! Read about all of the new features at:

We have implemented Havok Physics Engine - We have implemented the Havok Physics Engine! This was released in the BabylonJS version 6.0.

Split Load Sequence in two Functions - We split the load sequence in the wtw_core.js file into two parts (second is continueLoadSequence) so that the physics engine can be loaded async and the remainder of the load sequence can be triggered on its completion. Some of the items cannot be loaded until the scene is created properly with the physics engine loaded.

Added Set Sky Size Function - We added a setSkySize function so that the size of the sky could be changed without reloading the complete sky. We mainly use it for the Default Sky since a full reload sets the sky scene using an animation. This method resizes without reloading.

Added Sky Dome Size Adjustment - We added an adjustment for the sky dome size when you select a Default Sky Type. The remainder of the current skies are boxes and use a different size adjustment on the form. The two size adjustments synchronize in code and feed the WTW.init.skySize global variable.

Increased the Max Camera View - We increased the camera maxZ to extend the view range from skybox size plus 1000 to skybox size plus 5000. When we only had dome skies, the 100 was enough to always be larger than the skydome. But now that we have sky boxes, the corners were getting clipped by the camera range on the larger skyboxes. This corrects that issue.

Select Avatar Save Time Reduced - When changing avatar using the select avatar 3D Form, if you are using a global login, the save button takes a long time to copy your chosen avatar to the global server. Previously, the avatar would not load to the scene until the process is finished. Now, we are loading the local version being copied immediately so you can visit the scene and the copy process continues in the background.

User 3D Menu Buttons Renamed - The names of the buttons had myavatar in them, so when we excluded myavatar so it can click through your own avatar when selecting, it was also ignoring the buttons. They are now renamed and working properly. Also, to select you own avatar, use the long click.

Enter Button Resolved - If you panned the view before clicking enter, the enter button would animate but not activate to enter the scene. This has been resolved by changing the if clause conditions in the inputClick function and removing the else part of the statement.

Mouse Over and Out Global Variables Removed - The WTW.mouseOver and WTW.mouseOut global variables are obsolete so have been removed from the code. They were used with the register mouse over and action Manager obsolete items that were also removed.

Register Mouse Over Function Removed - The registerMouseOver function is obsolete so has been removed from the code. This includes the 102 reference calls to it throughout the code.

Mouse Over Action Manager Removed - We removed the Shopping Plugin moldQueueAdd function because it did not account for the rendering group order when hovering over 3D Objects in the scene. This functionality has been replaced with the mouseOverByRenderingGroup function in wtw_input.js

Mouse Over Action Manager Removed - We removed the Mouse Over and Mouse Out Action Manager because it did not account for the rendering group order when hovering over 3D Objects in the scene. This has been replaced with the mouseOverByRenderingGroup function in wtw_input.js

Mouse Out Function Removed - The mouseOutMold function has been replaced by the mouseOutByRenderingGroup function. Therefore obsolete and removed from code.

Mouse Over Mold Function Removed - The mouseOverMold function has been replaced by the mouseOverByRenderingGroup function. Therefore obsolete and removed from code.

New Mouse Out function for Molds - Using the pattern of the new mouse over by render group, this mouseOutByRenderingGroup function is called to clear the mouse overs and serves as a mouse out function.

New Mouse Over By Render Group - We created a new function called mouseOverByRenderingGroup that replaces the WTW.mouseOver action manager controlled function. This new function respects rendering group ids and creates a new mouse over and mouse out events.

New Pick Mold Name By Rendering Group - We created a new function called pickMoldNameByRenderingGroup in the wtw_inputs.js file. This function uses a pick ray to select multiple meshes under the cursor, then ...

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WalkTheWeb v3.6.2

01 Apr 14:33
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Release Date: 4/1/2023
By Aaron Dishno Ed.D.

This software is a hosting software for 3D Websites as part of 3D Internet Metaverse that combine 3D Gaming with 3D Shopping. It is a 3D CMS for 3D Games and 3D Plugins.

Demo 3D Website:

This release focuses on the mobile experience, avatar click and rotation movement, 3D Forms, and Select Avatar 3D Form.

Here are the details for this release:

Added Animations, Hovers, and Click Functions - We added animations, hovers, and click functions for the 3D Form close buttons. This includes the references to the materials for color changes. All but one of the close buttons are named button-close and button-closetext. The remaining button is called button-closeloginmenu and button-closeloginmenutext since that form has a different pattern of visibility based on when the Enter Button alone is shown.

Hidden Form Fields are now Changed - The hidden form fields used to feed the 3D Text Fields are no longer the type hidden, now are type text and are hidden by moving them to an absolute position above the visible screen. This allows the text box to receive focus and open the keyboard on mobile devices.

Added Close Buttons to 3D Forms - To make it easy to cancel a 3D Form, we added an animated 3D Button to close the 3D Form on all of the 3D Forms (Login Menu, Login, Create Account, Recover Password, User Menu, and Select My Avatar).

Added Direction to Tab Next Field - We added a direction variable to the tab next field function (tabNextField(zdirection) that will now process a negative direction as going backwards through the tab order array.

Added Global Text Cursor - We added a global variable for the text cursor position: WTW.textCursor. This is used to mark the cursor position within a field value.

Added Cursor Functionality - We added cursor functionality. You can now use left and right arrow keys to move the cursor, shift-Tab or up arrow will move the focus to the previous input element, Tab or down arrow will move the focus to the next input element, del will remove the letter in front of the cursor, and backspace will remove the letter before the cursor.

Swipe Movement Function - Since the swipe direction changes as you move your avatar, we added a separate swipe function to determine the movement added to the avatar specifically for rotation left, right, up and down. These are some experimental settings. For left and right, the 1/5 sides of the screen will rotate in a run mode (faster) while the closer to center moves in a walk mode (slower) for rotation, and the center will not rotate left or right. For up and down, Movement to the top or bottom will look up and down, while near the center will move toward centering the camera once again.

Interval Timer added to Input Moving - While you hold the mouse down or the touch down, we added an interval timer so that the key pressed continues to activate until you release the mouse or touch. Previously, it was only sending the key pressed while you were in movement.

Mouse Timestamp and Clicks - We added a new global variable WTW.mouseTimestamp that is used to determine if the mouse down to mouse up time is less than 350 ms and should considered a click. This keeps the click event from processing unless it is just a click with no hold. This same timer process also catches the difference in a touch and hold vs a touch and release.

Disable Side Swipe Refresh on Mobile - In order to improve the swiping ability on Mobile devices, we disabled the Side Swipe page refresh by containing the over scroll behavior for the x direction in the stylesheet.

Portrait View Avatar Visibility Fade - We already made My Avatar 50% visibility when on a mobile device, now we expanded that visibility setting for any time the device is in portrait view by testing if the size X is less than the size Y.

Disable pull-down Refresh on Mobile - In order to improve the swiping ability on Mobile devices, we disabled the pull-down page refresh using position zero and containing the over scroll behavior in the stylesheet.

Limited Movement during Place Holder - When you first enter a 3D Scene and you can see the Enter button, we removed the movement for forward and backwards since the placeholder is designed to not move until you actually enter the 3D Scene. This fixed the camera issue that was showing an endless dive falling into the ground. We also disabled any click movement during this same place holder time.

Removed Avatar Select Functions - The following functions from wtw_login.js have been removed as obsolete: getMyAvatarList, getFullAvatarList, getAnonymousAvatarList, and getMyAvatarList. These functions have all been replaced by the new Select My Avatar Form and functions.

Removed pluginsGetMyAvatarList Plugin Hook - The plugin hook called pluginsGetMyAvatarList has been removed. The process has become obsolete with the new 3D Form for Select My Avatar.

Added Plugin Hook for pluginsHudLoginLoadAvatarsArray - We added a hook for pluginsHudLoginLoadAvatarsArray that is fired after the initial Local Login Avatars are loaded to the Select My Avatar form. This plug allows additional code to execute, allowing additional avatars to be processed or loaded to the form. For the 3D Internet Plugin, this adds the WalkTheWeb Global Avatars to be added to the selection array.

New Select My Avatar 3D Form - We added a new form for Select My Avatar that replaces the HTML version. This new form works in the 3D Scene and will also work in VR cameras.

Click on items to Cancel Walk to Position - You can now click on an item or My Avatar to stop an in progress Walk To Position.

Animation Icon Moved Folders - While we no longer used the icons folder under content/system, there is one default image used. We moved animdefault.png from the icons folder to the images and updated the path in code.

Profile Icon now Toggles - We set the icon for Login on the Browse Menu to toggle the login menu or user menu when it is clicked. This makes it easier to close the menu.

Corrected new install avatar selection - During a new install, the user is logged in, but the avatar is not selected. We needed to adjust the code to handle this new condition. Now the avatar is randomly selected unless the user chooses to select an avatar.

Updated Map Files - Updated Map files to not include source (can be overwritten by the WalkTheWeb Developers Toolkit map files)

New Has Input Moved function - When testing the difference between a swipe and a click, we check to see if the mouse x or mouse y movement has changed. But under some circumstances event the smallest movement was not counting as a click. This function replaces the (WTW.mouseX == zstartx && WTW.mouseY == zstarty) comparison to accept a little movement as still being a click. The zdist setting is the tolerance. Now most touch clicks and mouse clicks are caught and processed correctly.

Added Input Moving function - We added an inputMoving function to the /core/scripts/prime/wtw_input.js so that the mouseMove and the touchMoving functions can share the same common code.

Added Input Click function - We added an inputClick function to the /core/scripts/prime/wtw_input.js so that the mouseClick and the touchClick functions can share the same common code.

Added Input Up function - We added an inputUp function to the /core/scripts/prime/wtw_input.js so that the mouseUp and the touchUp functions can share the same common code.

Added Input Down function - We added an inputDown function to the /core/scripts/prime/wtw_input.js so that the mouseDown and the touchDown functions can share the same common code.

Added Boolean Response to checkMoldFunctionAndExecute - We added a Boolean response to the checkMoldFunctionAndExecute function to determine if a function was found and executed. This helps determine if the click event found a mold with a function or needs to allow something else to still execute, such as Avatar Movement based on the click location.

Eliminate the Obsolete itouch Divs - We eliminated the obsolete itouch divs (wtw_itouchleft and wtw_itouchright). They were from an earlier version of touch movements that is no longer valid. All references and styles related to it have also been removed.

Adjusted the Camera Rotation Max - We adjusted the camera up and down rotation limits to shorten the distance of rotation. These settings can be found in the /core/scripts/avatars/wtw_avatarfunctions.js file moveAvatar function.

Renamed WTW.testTimer to WTW.avatarTimer - We renamed and repurposed the global WTW.test timer to be names WTW.avatarTimer and is used to test or execute automated avatar movement commands when they require an increment timer.

Open HUD Login for Enter - We set up specific conditions to show the Enter button from the Login Menu HUD. This allows us to easily pull that Enter button on the screen without the rest of the Login Menu showing.

Connect Avatars now Accepts Additional Groups - With the new Additional Avatar Groups allowing the same avatar to exist in multiple groups, we modified the SQL in the avatars.php connect file to add the avatar group selection in the where clause to include the avatarsingroups and avatargroups tables.

Random Selection of Avatar on Enter - We changed the process to start with a random avatar selection when you click Enter to join a scene. This process uses any avatar that you set to your Anonymous Group. It can be the primary Avatar Group or additional Avatar Group.

Save Avatars in Groups Functions - We added a saveAvatarsInGroup function in the avatars class to handle changes to the avatars in groups table. It uses the avatars.php handler.

Added Additional Avatar Groups Section - When editing an Avatar, under Edit 3D Avatar - 3D Avatar Information, we now have 2 parts to the avatar groups. The first is the primary avatar group that is used when shared. Th...

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WalkTheWeb v3.6.1

28 Feb 20:45
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Release Date: 2/28/2023
By Aaron Dishno Ed.D.

This software is a hosting software for 3D Websites as part of 3D Internet Metaverse that combine 3D Gaming with 3D Shopping. It is a 3D CMS for 3D Games and 3D Plugins.

Demo 3D Website:

This release focuses on separating the and calls into the 3D Internet Plugin from the main WalkTheWeb code. We also added a default and custom option on install that provides a way to install without activating the 3D Internet Plugin. We also added a number of user interface enhancements and updated the BabylonJS Engine.

Here are the details for this release:

Feedback Notes added - We added some notes to the feedback page under Admin Dashboard. The note provides instructions where users submit the feedback, and we added a note for when no feedback is found.

API Keys Note - We added a note to indicate when there are no API Leys found. If found, the normal list will show.

Developers Tools Note - We added an Admin Menu -> developers tools note to instruct to click F12 to open the console to display the following lists.

Created Hook for pluginsOpenFullPageFormMediaLibrary - In an effort to isolate the Global references to the 3D Internet and 3D Avatar Plugins, we added a JavaScript hook for pluginsOpenFullPageFormMediaLibrary. We then moved the related code to a new function called openFullPageFormMediaLibrary under the 3D Internet Plugin (with the necessary PHP add script call and Plugin Class script entry). This hook allows the 3D plugins to add code to media library section of the open full page form function.

The Update Menu Item Code Moved - The Update menu item under the Admin Dashboard section was moved to the 3D Internet Plugin, since the page it opens was already moved.

Swapped Columns on Dashboard - We swapped the columns on the Admin Dashboard because the first column was all provided by the 3D Internet Plugin and when it is inactive the first column was blank. Now it looks more appropriate.

Google Translate Prompt - We were getting a Google Translate bar opened to Arabic when opening the Admin Mode. We added a meta tag to set google to notranslate and a tag to identify the html tag as English language.

Enable Plugin Error - When adding the enable 3D Internet Plugin code if you select custom install, the code was missing a closing quote and semicolon. This was causing a 500 error in the install. This has been corrected.

Toggle Admin Menu Items - In the toggle admin menu items code, we check if any sub menu items are already open, then close on toggle. We moved 2 of the items to the 3D Internet Plugin, so code needed to test if the plugin was enabled and the options are set.

Admin Menu Upgrades Icon - The Upgrades admin menu item was missing the icon (it was in a plugin that is not released yet.) We moved the icon to the content/system/images folder and corrected the paths in the code.

My Avatar Mobile Transparency - When using mobile devices, we set the transparency to 50% in order to increase the visibility of the 3D Scene.

Render Canvas Style - After the latest Babylon update, the render canvas was defaulting to show the pointer cursor all of the time. We set it manually to cursor at default to over-ride this setting. Now the mouse changes to pointer on pickable elements in the 3D Scene.

Centered Avatar Animations Selections - After collapsing the browse menu, the avatar animations would pop up on the left side when opened. We changed the centering calculation to be WTW.sizeX based to correct the issue.

Created Hook for pluginsGetPluginInfoComplete - In an effort to isolate the Global references to the 3D Internet and 3D Avatar Plugins, we added a JavaScript hook for pluginsGetPluginInfoComplete. We then moved the related code to a new function called getPluginInfoComplete under the 3D Internet Plugin (with the necessary PHP add script call and Plugin Class script entry). This hook allows the 3D plugins to add code to the returned plugin list array and display. For the 3D Internet Plugin, it allows us to check for updates and add download buttons for updates as well as badges.

Moved plugin Hook for pluginsLoadLoginSettings - The plugin hook for pluginsLoadLoginSettings has been moved from the loadLoginSettings to the loadLoginSettingsResponse function so that it can use the WTW.globalLogins settings in the plugins.

Added Enter Button Code - We added code to show the enter button on the loadUserSettingsAfterEngine function. We placed it right before the plugins hook, so that plugins can override or reset it as necessary.

3D Internet Plugin Activation - During the new install, if you select default installation, the 3D Internet Plugin will not automatically load as activated. The 3D Internet Plugin code is still there and can easily be activated in the Admin -> 3D Plugins. If you select custom installation, the 3D Internet Plugin is automatically set active and you will have options to download your 3D Building and 3D Community selections in the install.

Place Holder Camera Movements - We added a section in the move avatar function to handle Camera Movements when the avatar is not loaded yet. This was required as a separate section since the core avatar movements is a weighted movement based on animations running and there are no animations running on the place holder before the avatar is selected.

Place Holder Limitations Removed - There were a number of inputs and move avatar commands that sere set to only work if the placeholder was removed and the avatar was present. We removed these restrictions so that the initial camera can move before the avatar is started on the scene. (WTW.placeHolder == 0)

3D Scenes start with Collapsed Menu - The 3D Scenes now load with a collapsed browse menu. Click the bottom left icon to toggle the browse menu open or closed.

Enter Scene Camera Movement Enabled - When you enter a 3D Scene, we have now enabled a limited amount of camera movement. Keyboard, mouse, or touch will now allow you to rotate the camera right, left, up, and down. This allows you to look at a 3D Scene before you choose to enter it, login, select an avatar, and walk around.

New Enter Button on 3D Scene Load - When you first load a new 3D Scene, you will now see a single small button labeled ENTER. When you click it, you will then see the login options (or straight to a login if you have only one option enabled).

New 3D Internet Menu Options - First we split the old 3D Internet Settings page into 2 menu options, one for WalkTheWeb Logins and Avatars and one for Multiplayer and Chat. Then we added two more menu options and pages for Templates and Sharing and Franchising to the Internet. The Templates option allow admins to turn on or off the ability to access WalkTheWeb Downloads and separately turn on or off access to add plugins. The Sharing refers to the ability to Share a copy of your 3D Community, 3D Building, 3D Thing, or 3D Avatar to the world. This option allows you to turn on of off the menu option to Share. Finally, the Franchising section controls the 3D Web Aliases ability to Franchise out a 3D Building or 3D Thing to be added to 3D Community on another server. There is also an option to turn on or off the ability to add a Franchised 3D Building or 3D Thing to your 3D Communities.

downloads.php Handler moved to 3D Internet Downloads Handler - The downloads.php handler that calls the database functions for the WalkTheWeb Downloads has been replaced by the 3D Internet Plugin wtw-3dinternet-downloads.php handler. All of the WalkTheWeb Downloads functionality has now been moved to the 3D Internet Class.

wtwdownloads Class moved to 3D Internet Downloads Class - The wtwdownloads class that performs the database functions for the WalkTheWeb Downloads has been replaced by the 3D Internet Plugin wtw_3dinternet_downloads Class Functions. All of the WalkTheWeb Downloads functionality has now been moved to the 3D Internet Class.

Custom Install Settings - When doing a custom install, instead of copying the WalkTheWeb Downloads code to the install, we initiated the class and used the current 3D Internet Plugin downloads.js page for the functions. This is only in use if someone selects a custom install instead of a default (which will stay on the local copy only). Everything else for has been moved to the 3D Internet Plugin.

WalkTheWeb Downloads Admin Page - We moved the WalkTheWeb Downloads admin menu option and full form page to the 3D Internet Plugin.

Add 3D Thing From Server Div - We added a new Admin Menu Div for add3dthing that puts code at the top of the Add Thing to Community list. This allows the 3D Internet Plugin to add the options for local 3D Thing or from the 3D Internet.

Add 3D Building From Server Div - We added a new Admin Menu Div for add3dbuilding that puts code at the top of the Add Building to Community list. This allows the 3D Internet Plugin to add the options for local 3D Building or from the 3D Internet.

Confirmation Box Options Relabeled - When using the openConfirmation and completedConfirmation functions, the zoption was passed as a number to which confirmation message would appear (extending to which code is run after confirmation). With adding it to plugins hook, it is better to use real text descriptions as cases instead of a number system to better describe the box use and avoid numbering conflict.

Created Hook for pluginsCompletedConfirmation - In an effort to isolate the Global references to the 3D Internet and 3D Avatar Plugins, we added a JavaScript hook for pluginsCompletedConfirmation. We then moved the related code to a new function called completedConfirmation under the 3D Internet Plugin (with the necessary PHP add script call and Plugin Class script entry). This hook allows the 3D plugins to add code to run when the confirmation box is...

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