Hello! These are custom plugins that I made/edited for kyb3r's modmail
Note: Some of these plugins are from ideas of staff teams alike :)
As per all plugins for kyb3r's modmail, most need to be added by [p] add ...
below is a table for all the current plugins that are currently available
Plugin | install | wiki |
Anonsnipets | Hackerjef/Modmail-plugins/Anonsnipets |
Link |
Enhancedgenesis | Hackerjef/Modmail-plugins/Enhancedgenesis |
Link |
Topic | Hackerjef/Modmail-plugins/Topic |
Link |
Dragory-migrate-remux | Hackerjef/Modmail-plugins/Dragory-migrate-remux |
Link |
Userid | Hackerjef/Modmail-plugins/Userid |
Link |
Guildmemberwatch | Hackerjef/Modmail-plugins/Guildmemberwatch |
Link |
Categorymover | Hackerjef/Modmail-plugins/Categorymover |
Link |
Power | Hackerjef/Modmail-plugins/Power |
Link |
Due to the nature of me adding new things or changing things,
these plugins may be upgraded at one point to update please do [p] update ..