- clone scrape_webpage
- create and start a a virtual environment
- "pip install --upgrade virtualenv"
- "python3 virtualenv env venv"
- "source venv/bin/activate"
- pip install -r requirements.txt
scrapping web page table and save content in excel file and google sheet
- "requests" --> to get response from web api url.
- "Beautiful Soup" --> get data from html content
- "Pandas" --> useed to save data in excel file
- "google.oauth2" and "gspread" to get credentials from client_secret file and call
google_sheet_api to save data in google_sheet
Run these commands in terminal
- cd problem_one
- python3 main.py
Make api to access data in excel file [Get - Post - Put - Delete] using flask framework
- "flask_restful" to make api .
- "Pandas" to read and write to excel file.
- cd problem_two/flask_app
- flask run
Get data from api, make Qr code for some data in a pdf file and zip all pdf files
- "requests" --> to get response from web api url.
- "Beautiful Soup" --> get data from html content.
- "qrcode" to make qr code.
- "fpdf" to make pdf files.
- "zipfile" to zip directory.
Run these commands in terminal
- cd problem_three
- python3 main.py