I'm Halipuddin, a Frontend Web Developer, Data Engineer, Coding Teacher, and Freelancer now living in Makassar, Indonesia
At 23, I built my first website, sparking my passion for tech. With an Education degree, I freelanced as a designer, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for graphics, video, and websites.
Shifting to programming, I've developed a robust frontend stack, creating projects addressing real-world issues. Simultaneously, I teach domestic and international students aged 5-16 various programming languages, fostering creativity in project-based learning. I guide students in Roblox Studio for game development.
Actively participating in programming and design training, I stay updated with industry trends. My journey proves that formal degrees aren't essential; starting without a tech background, I overcame my coding fear, emphasizing dedication's role in success.
In addition to technical pursuits, I excel in communicating students' progress to parents, creating a collaborative learning environment.
- 🔭 I’m working as a Front-End Developer and contributing to frontend and sometimes backend for building web applications.
- 👨💻 I'm also woking as a Coding Educator at BrightChamps
- 🌱 Exploring Technical Content Writing.
- ⚡ In my free time I solve problems on GeeksforGeeks, Stack Overflow and read tech articles and sometimes playing game 👾🎮.
- 📫 How to reach me: