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Merge pull request #3251 from jojo2357/extract-value-refactoring
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Extract value refactoring
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PHPirates authored Nov 24, 2023
2 parents c0e5225 + 18ea366 commit d1775c9
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ jobs:
name: Qodana
# Note: updating to ubuntu-latest may slow the build and produce a "The runner has received a shutdown signal."
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- uses: actions/checkout@v4
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ package nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.refactoring

import com.intellij.lang.refactoring.RefactoringSupportProvider
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.refactoring.RefactoringActionHandler
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.psi.LatexParameterText
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.refactoring.introducecommand.LatexExtractCommandHandler

* This class is used to enable inline refactoring.
Expand All @@ -20,4 +22,6 @@ class LatexRefactoringSupportProvider : RefactoringSupportProvider() {
override fun isSafeDeleteAvailable(element: PsiElement): Boolean {
return element is LatexParameterText

override fun getIntroduceVariableHandler(): RefactoringActionHandler = LatexExtractCommandHandler()
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package nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.refactoring.introducecommand

import com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore.isUnitTestMode
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataContext
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pass
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange
import com.intellij.psi.PsiDocumentManager
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiNamedElement
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil.findCommonParent
import com.intellij.psi.util.elementType
import com.intellij.psi.util.parents
import com.intellij.refactoring.IntroduceTargetChooser
import com.intellij.refactoring.RefactoringActionHandler
import com.intellij.refactoring.RefactoringBundle
import com.intellij.refactoring.introduce.inplace.OccurrencesChooser
import com.intellij.refactoring.suggested.startOffset
import com.intellij.refactoring.util.CommonRefactoringUtil
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.file.LatexFile
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.psi.*
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.psi.LatexTypes.NORMAL_TEXT_WORD
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.files.findExpressionAtCaret
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.files.findExpressionInRange
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.insertCommandDefinition
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.parser.*
import nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.util.runWriteCommandAction
import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly

* Extract the selected piece of text into a \newcommand definition and replace usages.
* Based on code from
* and
class LatexExtractCommandHandler : RefactoringActionHandler {
override fun invoke(project: Project, editor: Editor, file: PsiFile, dataContext: DataContext?) {
if (file !is LatexFile) return
val exprs = findCandidateExpressionsToExtract(editor, file)

// almost never happens, so the error will be likely worded wrong, but hopefully that will generate more bug reports!
if (exprs.isEmpty()) {
val message = RefactoringBundle.message(
if (editor.selectionModel.hasSelection())
val title = "Introduce Custom Command"
val helpId = "refactoring.extractVariable"
CommonRefactoringUtil.showErrorHint(project, editor, message, title, helpId)
else {
val extractor = { expr: LatexExtractablePSI ->
editor, expr, RefactoringBundle.message("introduce.variable.title")
if (exprs.size == 1) {
// if there are multiple candidates (ie the user did not have an active selection, ask for them to choose what to extract
else showExpressionChooser(editor, exprs) {

override fun invoke(project: Project, elements: Array<out PsiElement>, dataContext: DataContext?) { }

fun showExpressionChooser(
editor: Editor,
candidates: List<LatexExtractablePSI>,
callback: (LatexExtractablePSI) -> Unit
) {
if (isUnitTestMode) {
{ it.text.substring(it.extractableIntRange) },
{ (it as LatexExtractablePSI).extractableRangeInFile }

fun extractExpression(
editor: Editor,
expr: LatexExtractablePSI,
commandName: String
) {
if (!expr.isValid) return
val occurrences = expr.findOccurrences()
showOccurrencesChooser(editor, expr, occurrences) { occurrencesToReplace ->
ExpressionReplacer(expr.project, editor, expr)
.replaceElementForAllExpr(occurrencesToReplace, commandName)

private class ExpressionReplacer(
private val project: Project,
private val editor: Editor,
private val chosenExpr: LatexExtractablePSI
) {
private val psiFactory = LatexPsiHelper(project)

* This actually replaces all the ocurrences
fun replaceElementForAllExpr(
exprs: List<LatexExtractablePSI>,
commandName: String
) {
// cache file in case the psi tree breaks
val containingFile = chosenExpr.containingFile
runWriteCommandAction(project, commandName) {
val definitionToken = insertCommandDefinition(
?: return@runWriteCommandAction
exprs.filter { it != chosenExpr }.forEach {
val newItem = it.text.replace(
val newItem = chosenExpr.text.replace(

val definitionOffset = definitionToken.textRange


// sometimes calling the previous line will invalidate `definitionToken`, so we will make sure to find the actual valid token
val vampireCommandDefinition = containingFile.findExpressionAtCaret(definitionOffset.startOffset)
?: throw IllegalStateException("Unexpectedly could not find an expression")

val actualToken =
.firstOrNull { it.text == "\\mycommand" }
?: throw IllegalStateException("Psi Tree was not in the expected state")


// unsure where title is used. Either way, put the user into a refactor where they get to specify the new command name
actualToken, editor, project, "Choose a Variable"

fun showOccurrencesChooser(
editor: Editor,
expr: LatexExtractablePSI,
occurrences: List<LatexExtractablePSI>,
callback: (List<LatexExtractablePSI>) -> Unit
) {
if (isUnitTestMode && occurrences.size > 1) {
callback(MOCK!!.chooseOccurrences(expr, occurrences))
else {
{ choice: OccurrencesChooser.ReplaceChoice ->
val toReplace = if (choice == OccurrencesChooser.ReplaceChoice.ALL) occurrences else listOf(expr)

// Pass is deprecated, but IntroduceTargetChooser.showChooser doesnt have compatible signatures to replace with consumer yet
private val <T> ((T) -> Unit).asPass: Pass<T>
get() = object : Pass<T>() {
override fun pass(t: T) = this@asPass(t)

* Returns a list of "expressions" which could be extracted.
fun findCandidateExpressionsToExtract(editor: Editor, file: LatexFile): List<LatexExtractablePSI> {
val selection = editor.selectionModel
// if the user has highlighted a block, simply return that
if (selection.hasSelection()) {
// If there's an explicit selection, suggest only one expression
return listOfNotNull(file.findExpressionInRange(selection.selectionStart, selection.selectionEnd))
else {
val expr = file.findExpressionAtCaret(editor.caretModel.offset)
?: return emptyList()
// if expr is a \begin, return the whole block it is a part of, and just assume since the cursor was there that it was meant to be
if (expr is LatexBeginCommand) {
val endCommand = expr.endCommand()
return if (endCommand == null)
else {
val environToken = findCommonParent(expr, endCommand)
if (environToken != null)
// if this was text, like in a command parameter, only ofer itself
else if (expr is LatexNormalText) {
return listOf(expr.asExtractable())
else {
// if inside a text block, we will offer the current word, current sentence, current line, whole block, and applicable parents
if (expr.elementType == NORMAL_TEXT_WORD) {
// variable where we will build up our return
val out = arrayListOf(expr.asExtractable())

val interruptedParent = expr.firstParentOfType(LatexNormalText::class)
?: expr.firstParentOfType(LatexParameterText::class)
?: return emptyList()
val interruptedText = interruptedParent.text
// in this text block, if it multiline, find current line
if (interruptedText.contains('\n')) {
val previousLineBreak =
interruptedText.substring(0, editor.caretModel.offset - interruptedParent.startOffset)
val startIndex = previousLineBreak + 1 + interruptedText.substring(previousLineBreak + 1)
.indexOfFirst { !it.isWhitespace() }
val nextNewlineindex = interruptedText.substring(startIndex).indexOf('\n')
val endOffset = if (nextNewlineindex == -1)
startIndex + nextNewlineindex
out.add(interruptedParent.asExtractable(TextRange(startIndex, endOffset)))

// if this text is in a math context, offer the math environ
val mathParent = expr.firstParentOfType(LatexInlineMath::class)
if (mathParent != null) {
val mathChild = mathParent.firstChildOfType(LatexMathContent::class)
if (mathChild != null)
return out.distinctBy { it.text.substring(it.extractableIntRange) }
// default behavior: offer to extract any parent that we consider "extractable"
return expr.parents(true)
.takeWhile { it.elementType == NORMAL_TEXT_WORD || it is LatexNormalText || it is LatexParameter || it is LatexMathContent || it is LatexCommandWithParams }
.distinctBy { it.text }
.map { it.asExtractable() }

interface ExtractExpressionUi {
fun chooseTarget(exprs: List<LatexExtractablePSI>): LatexExtractablePSI
fun chooseOccurrences(expr: LatexExtractablePSI, occurrences: List<LatexExtractablePSI>): List<LatexExtractablePSI>

// This allows us to run tests and mimic user input
var MOCK: ExtractExpressionUi? = null

fun withMockTargetExpressionChooser(mock: ExtractExpressionUi, f: () -> Unit) {
MOCK = mock
try {
finally {
MOCK = null
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package nl.hannahsten.texifyidea.refactoring.introducecommand

import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.openapi.util.NlsContexts
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiNamedElement
import com.intellij.refactoring.introduce.inplace.InplaceVariableIntroducer

class LatexInPlaceVariableIntroducer(
elementToRename: PsiNamedElement,
editor: Editor,
project: Project,
@NlsContexts.Command title: String,
private val additionalElementsToRename: List<PsiElement> = emptyList()
) : InplaceVariableIntroducer<PsiElement>(elementToRename, editor, project, title, emptyArray(), null) {

override fun collectAdditionalElementsToRename(stringUsages: MutableList<in Pair<PsiElement, TextRange>>) {
for (element in additionalElementsToRename) {
if (element.isValid) {
stringUsages.add(Pair(element, TextRange(0, element.textLength)))

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