A Set of graded Kubernetes tutorials to document self-progress and help peers
- Borrowed unabashedly from janakiramm/kubernetes-101
- Not forked as I intend to create a step by step guide for myself and others in a single repo
- github/rmenn for the mentorship
with your Docker Hub username.
cd Docker
docker build -t <DOCKER_HUB_USER>/web .
docker push <DOCKER_HUB_USER>/web
docker-compose up -d
curl localhost:5000
cd ../101-pod-service
kubectl create -f db-pod.yml
kubectl create -f db-svc.yml
kubectl create -f web-pod.yml
kubectl create -f web-svc.yml
cd ../103-deployment-replicas-service
kubectl create -f db-dpl.yml
kubectl create -f db-svc.yml
kubectl create -f web-dpl.yml
kubectl create -f web-svc.yml
kubectl get pods
kubectl get svc
kubectl describe svc web
minikube service web --url