Example Laravel codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns and more) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.
This repo is functionality complete — PRs and issues welcome!
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/devprantoroy/gaming-and-beting.git
Switch to the repo folder
cd gaming-and-beting
Install all the dependencies using composer
composer install
Copy the example env file and make the required configuration changes in the .env file
cp .env.example .env
Generate a new application key
php artisan key:generate
Run the database migrations (Set the database connection in .env before migrating)
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
Start the local development server
You can now access the server at http://localhost/gaming-and-beting
TL;DR command list
git clone https://github.com/devprantoroy/gaming-and-beting.git
cd gaming-and-beting
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
Make sure you set the correct database connection information before running the migrations Environment variables
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
Populate the database with seed data with relationships which includes users, articles, comments, tags, favorites and follows. This can help you to quickly start testing the api or couple a frontend and start using it with ready content.
Open the DummyDataSeeder and set the property values as per your requirement
Run the database seeder and you're done
php artisan db:seed
Note : It's recommended to have a clean database before seeding. You can refresh your migrations at any point to clean the database by running the following command
php artisan migrate:refresh
- laravel-cors - For handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- Contains all the Eloquent modelsapp/Http/Controllers/Api
- Contains all the api controllersapp/Http/Middleware
- Contains the JWT auth middlewareapp/Http/Requests/Api
- Contains all the api form requestsapp/RealWorld/Favorite
- Contains the files implementing the favorite featureapp/RealWorld/Filters
- Contains the query filters used for filtering api requestsapp/RealWorld/Follow
- Contains the files implementing the follow featureapp/RealWorld/Paginate
- Contains the pagination class used to paginate the resultapp/RealWorld/Slug
- Contains the files implementing slugs to articlesapp/RealWorld/Transformers
- Contains all the data transformersconfig
- Contains all the application configuration filesdatabase/factories
- Contains the model factory for all the modelsdatabase/migrations
- Contains all the database migrationsdatabase/seeds
- Contains the database seederroutes
- Contains all the api routes defined in api.php filetests
- Contains all the application teststests/Feature/Api
- Contains all the api tests
- Environment variables can be set in this file
Note : You can quickly set the database information and other variables in this file and have the application fully working.