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troggnostupidhs edited this page Mar 19, 2019 · 34 revisions
Label Description
account Issues that happen outside of gameplay that are due to issues with the server. If the client is involved, consider using 'UI' instead. Examples are quest progress, incorrect game wins, missing card backs, and issues with experience or leveling.
adventure Issues that happen during gameplay in Adventure mode. [If relating to a specific encounter, start the title with '<Boss Name>:'. Specify Normal or Heroic, if needed. Adventure issues regarding game logic do not need an additional 'gameplay' label.]
ai Issues with AI gameplay.
animations Issues related to card animations during gameplay.
audio Issues regarding sound effects.
brawl Issues happening during gameplay in Tavern Brawl mode. [If relating to a specific Tavern Brawl, start the title with '<Brawl Name>:'. Tavern Brawl issues regarding game logic do not need an additional 'gameplay' label.]
card properties Issues relating to a property of a card. Card text, referencedTags, type, etc.
crash/hang Issues causing an animation hang which stops the game client from updating for one or both players.
display Visual issues that happen during the gameplay.
duplicate Issues that have already been added. [The milestone and all other labels should be removed from duplicate issues.]
game board Issues related to various game boards. [Start the title with '<Name of the Game Board>:'.]
gameplay Issues regarding game logic happening during gameplay outside of Tavern Brawl and Adventure modes.
golden Issues with golden versions of the cards or heroes.
hero skins Issues related to various Hero Skins.
hotfix Issues that have been fixed with a hotfix.
info leak Issues regarding information which should not be revealed to either player in the game client or in the game log.
internal Issues which are specific to the internals of the game and don't transpire down to users. These are not detectable by a user unless they are looking at game files, log files, etc.
invalid Issues that are not considered bugs or are false reports. [The milestone and all other labels should be removed from invalid issues.]
miscellaneous Issues that do not fit in any other category.
may be intended Issues about interactions which could be intended but have not been clarified yet by the developers.
mobile Issues related to the client on Android or iOS devices.
network Network related issues.
potentially fixed Issues that might have been potentially fixed (usually listed in the patch notes), but have not been verified yet. [This label should be removed after the issue has been verified either being fixed or not. Closed issues should not have this label.]
quests Issues regarding daily quests.
sidebar Issues related to the history sidebar.
spectator Issues happening in spectator mode.
time-sensitive Issues that occur with time limited content. If the content is fully removed, then the issue can be closed. If the content is still in the game but not currently accessible, then the issue should remain open. [Tavern Brawls are inherently time sensitive. Issues with a 'brawl' label do not also need a 'time-sensitive' label.]
ui Issues related to the collection manager, deck selection, game lobby, various menus or in-game overlay (such as your rank during the game). These are client side display issues, mainly occurring outside of gameplay.
unconfirmed Issues containing reports that have not been verified yet. [This label should be removed after the issue has been either confirmed or changed to 'invalid'.]
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